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Published: 15 May 2009

Retail trade sales fell by 2.2 per cent in March

According to Statistics Finland, retail trade sales fell by 2.2 per cent in March from March 2008. Sales volume fell by 3.5 per cent during the same time period. Daily consumer goods sales also diminished by 0.8 per cent. This March had two more trading days than March 2008, which curbed the fall in sales. This year, Easter was in April, whereas last year it was in March. In wholesale trade sales decreased by 11.6 per cent, In total trade sales fell by 11.0 per cent in March.

In retail trade sales in January-March fell by 2.4 per cent. During the same time period, motor vehicle sales were 28.9 per cent and wholesale trade sales 15.9. per cent down on the year before. In total trade sales fell by 14.6 per cent in January-March.

Annual change in turnover in trade industries by quarter, March 2009 and early part of 2009, % (TOL 2008)

Annual change by quarter % Annual
change in latest month % *)
Cumulative annual change**
01-03/08 04-06/08 07-09/08 10/-12/08 03/09 01-03/2009
Total trade (G) 8,3 11,0 10,1 -2,4 -11,0 -14,6
Motor vehicle trade (45) 3,8 6,9 6,3 2,1 -24,0 -28,9
Wholesale trade (46) 10,3 13,5 13,3 -5,4 -11,6 -15,9
Retail trade (47) 6,8 8,0 5,4 2,3 -2,2 -2,4
- daily consumer goods trade*** 9,2 8,8 8,6 6,8 -0,8 2,2
*) Annual change compares March 2009 to the corresponding month of the year before.
**) The cumulative annual change compares January-March 2009 to the corresponding period of the year before.
***) According to the Register of Enterprises and Establishments, the share of daily consumer goods (4711, 472) of turnover in retail trade was 32 per cent in 2007.

Source: Turnover of trade 2009, March. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Retail trade: Mr Marko Tuomiaro +358 9 1734 2705 and

Ms Eeva Immonen +358 9 1734 3464
Motor vehicle trade and Wholesale trade: Ms Aila Kovanen +358 9 1734 3384

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala


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Last updated 15.5.2009

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Turnover of trade [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-0939. March 2009. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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