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Published: 13 November 2017

Owners of dwellings and housing companies renovated with EUR 6.6 billion in 2016

According to Statistics Finland, owners of dwellings and housing companies renovated their dwellings and residential buildings to the tune of EUR 6.6 billion in 2016. The combined renovation costs grew by 5.7 per cent from the level of 2015 and they have grown by 15.2 per cent from 2013. EUR 3.4 billion were spent on renovating detached and terraced houses. EUR 2.6 billion were used on renovations to blocks of flats, and EUR 700 million to terraced houses.

Most of the renovations to blocks of flats, EUR 2.0 billion, were spent on renovations made by housing companies and the remaining EUR 540 million on own renovations or contracted renovations by owners of dwellings in blocks of flats. Terraced house companies used EUR 430 million on renovations and owners of dwellings in terraced houses EUR 270 million.

The figures include value added tax. The value of own work was not taken into account in renovations made by dwelling owners.

Renovation costs by type of house and structural element in 2016, EUR million

Structural element Type of house
  Detached and semi-detached houses Terraced houses Blocks of flats All 2016 All 2015 All 2014 All 2013
Damp areas 556 103 259 918 847 625 749
Kitchen 337 79 151 568 585 516 602
Living and other areas 442 86 130 657 664 654 883
Outer surfaces and structures 1 064 207 765 2 037 1 846 1 620 1 510
Building technology 656 144 961 1 762 1 518 1 645 1 496
Yard area and outbuildings 317 45 124 486 580 509 352
Indoor areas of the housing company 0 32 160 192 226 202 154
Total 3 373 696 2 553 6 622 6 266 5 771 5 745

Renovation costs relative to the floor area amounted to EUR 47.7 per m2 in blocks of flats in 2016. The corresponding cost item was EUR 29.5 per m2 in terraced houses and EUR 25.2 per m2 in detached houses.

Housing companies were asked about large renovations that are planned for the next ten years. Over 20 per cent of the housing companies that answered the question were planning a roof renovation. Nineteen per cent were planning a façade renovation and as many a yard renovation. Eighteen per cent were planning a water supply system renovation and 15 per cent a sewerage system renovation.

Large renovations planned by housing companies, percentage of respondents

Large renovations planned by housing companies, percentage of respondents

The renovation costs of state-subsidised rental dwelling companies amounted to EUR 450 million in 2016 and to EUR 440 million in 2015.

EUR 1.7 billion were used for renovating service buildings

According to Statistics Finland, EUR 1.7 billion were used on renovations to service buildings in 2016. EUR 1.0 billion were spent on renovations to educational buildings, EUR 410 million on hospital and health centre buildings and EUR 300 million on institutional buildings. The previous data from direct inquiries on service buildings were from the statistical reference year 2013. Growth from the data of three years ago amounts to 34 per cent, which converts into an annual growth of slightly over 10 per cent. The renovation costs of service buildings for 2016 were collected by owner. In the statistical reference year 2013, the collection was made by building. This may impair the comparability of the published figures. See a more detailed description of the changes from this link .

EUR 1.1 billion were used on renovations to office buildings, EUR 760 billion on industrial and warehouse buildings and EUR 760 million on commercial buildings in 2016. The renovation costs of these groups of buildings were calculated based on the realised costs and granted renovation and expansion permits. For commercial and office buildings, the realised costs were surveyed with an inquiry in 2014 and the years 2015 to 2016 were estimated based on data on granted renovation and expansion permits. Correspondingly, the renovation costs of industrial and warehouse buildings were studied by an inquiry in 2015 and estimated based on data on granted renovation and expansion permits for 2016. According to the statistics, the renovation costs of commercial buildings grew by 13 per cent and those of office buildings by 10 per cent from 2015. Correspondingly, renovation costs of industrial and warehouse buildings grew by 12 per cent.

Renovation costs of buildings by purpose of use of the building

Year Use of the building
  Industrial buildings and warehouses Commercial buildings Office buildings Public service buildings
2013 . 2) .. 2) .. 2) 1 298
2014 .. 2) 669 910 1,223 1)
2015 919 1) 668 1) 1,032 1) 1,229 1)
2016 1030 756 1140 1739
1) Estimated based on renovation and expansion permits
2) The renovation costs of commercial and office buildings were examined for the first time for 2014 and the renovation costs of industrial and warehouse buildings for 2015.

Source: Renovation of buildings and apartments. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Eetu Toivanen 029 551 3331, Jose Lahtinen 029 551 3776,

Director in charge: Sami Saarikivi

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Updated 13.11.2017

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Renovation building [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-2974. Renovation of buildings and apartments 2016. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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