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Published: 8 May 2015

Current expenditure on regular education system increased slightly in 2013

According to Statistics Finland, current expenditure on the regular education system increased by 1.1 per cent in 2013 compared with the previous year. Current expenditure on the regular education system totalled EUR 12.3 billion in 2013. Expenditure on comprehensive school education constitutes the biggest proportion of the current expenditure on the regular education system. Expenditure on comprehensive school education was EUR 4.5 billion in 2013. The next biggest proportions were university education and research, on which EUR 2.3 billion was expended, and vocational education on which EUR 1.8 billion was spent.

Current expenditure on regular education system by type of expenditure 2013

Type of expenditure EUR million %
Pre-primary education 1) 347 2,8
Comprehensive school education 4 492 36,6
Upper secondary general education 737 6,0
Vocational education 1 752 14,3
Apprenticeship training 154 1,3
Polytechnic education 912 7,4
University education and research 2) 2 341 19,1
Other education 483 3,9
Administration 229 1,9
Financial aid for students 832 6,8
Total 12 278 100,0
1) Pre-primary education for 6-year-old children (pre-school education) in day-care centres and comprehensive schools.
2) Includes universities' external financing for research.

Source: Education. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Vesa Hämäläinen 029 551 2594, Mika Tuononen 029 551 3504,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

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Updated 8.5.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Educational finances [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-0963. 2013. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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