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Number of deaths 2007 and 2008

Cause of death and age Total Males Females
2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008
Deaths total 49 093 49 090 24 805 24 451 24 288 24 639
- 15-64 years 10 848 10 864 7 629 7 614 3 219 3 250
Neoplasms 11 097 11 214 5 803 5 782 5 294 5 432
-15-64 years 2 874 2 908 1 547 1 592 1 327 1 316
Disease of circulatory system 20193 20 144 9 650 9 495 10 543 10 649
- 15-64 years 2 557 2 548 2 048 2 029 509 519
  Of which: Ischaemic heart diseases    11 887 11 761 6 058 5 913 5 829 5 848
   - 15-64 years 1 419 1 407 1 213 1 194 206 213
Alcohol related deaths 2 167 2 136 1 701 1 674 466 462
-15-64 years 1 796 1 775 1425 1 388 371 387
Accidental deaths (excl. alcohol poisoning) 2 484 2 470 1643 1 619 841 851
- 15-64 years 1 189 1 129 948 901 241 228
Suicides 995 1 033 751 801 244 232
15-64 years 817 867 618 677 199 190
Assaults 116 119 74 79 42 40
-15-64 -v. 100 108 69 74 31 34

Last updated 18.12.2009

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Causes of death [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-5078. 2008, Number of deaths 2007 and 2008 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: