This set of statistics has been discontinued.

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Revision of data

Change from first release 1)

  1st release, EUR million Latest release, EUR million Revision of data, EUR million Revision of data, %
Area Item Year Quarter        
Municipalities Operating revenue total 2016 1 1 974 1 720 -254 -12,9
2 3 993 3 793 -201 -5,0
3 5 614 5 558 -56 -1,0
4 7 330 7 531 201 2,7
Operating expenses total 2016 1 9 019 8 791 -229 -2,5
2 18 536 18 283 -253 -1,4
3 27 444 27 252 -193 -0,7
4 36 469 36 832 363 1,0
Loan stock, at the end of the quarter 2016 1 15 116 15 065 -51 -0,3
2 14 895 14 844 -50 -0,3
3 14 899 14 852 -47 -0,3
4 16 039 16 065 25 0,2
Joint municipal
Operating revenue total 2016 1 3 284 3 315 31 0,9
2 6 696 6 699 2 0,0
3 10 016 9 938 -78 -0,8
4 13 240 13 240 0 0,0
Operating expenses total 2016 1 2 920 2 901 -19 -0,6
2 6 488 6 113 -376 -5,8
3 9 301 9 153 -148 -1,6
4 12 421 12 423 1 0,0
Loan stock, at the end of the quarter 2016 1 2 963 2 963 0 0,0
2 2 999 2 990 -8 -0,3
3 3 029 3 029 0 0,0
4 3 148 3 141 -7 -0,2
1) Local government enterprises were combined to the data and internal items were eliminated.

Source: Quarterly local government finances, 1st quarter 2017, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Karen Asplund 029 551 3611, Jens Melfsen 029 551 2578,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 26.05.2017

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Quarterly local government finances [e-publication].
ISSN=2343-4139. 1st quarter 2017, Revision of data . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: