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Published: 20 June 2006

Total output grew in April

According to the seasonally adjusted series of the Monthly Indicator of Total Output calculated by Statistics Finland, the volume of total output grew by 0.3 per cent in April from the month before.

Volume of total output 2000 - 2006, trend and seasonally adjusted series

The series of the Monthly Indicator of Total Output are seasonally adjusted with the Tramo/Seats method. The latest observations of the series adjusted for seasonal and random variation (seasonally adjusted and trend series) become revised with new observations in seasonal adjustment methods.

Total output was 0.6 per cent higher than in April 2005

The volume of total output grew by 0.6 per cent in April 2006 from April of the previous year. April 2006 had three working days less than the corresponding month of the year before. Adjusted for working days, total output went up by 3.4 per cent year-on-year.

Percentage changes of total output from the previous year's corresponding month

According to the original series, industrial output grew by 0.3 per cent from April 2005. Output volumes in the whole metal industry grew by 3 per cent and production in its sub-industry of manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment went up by 12 per cent. In the wood and paper industry output increased by 7 per cent, and in energy supply by 6 per cent. In other manufacturing, output volumes fell by 9 per cent from April 2005.

Sales volumes of trade remained on level with the corresponding month of the previous year. Motor vehicle sales decreased by 5 per cent, but retail trade increased by 2 per cent.

In primary production, output declined by 6 per cent form its April 2005 level. Output increased by 2 per cent in other service industries and by one per cent in construction from twelve months back. Transport decreased by 2 per cent.

The Monthly Indicator of Total Output is based on twelve monthly series on different industries of the economy. The series are summed up by weighting.

Source: Monthly Indicator of Total Output 2006, April. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mr Veli-Pekka Karvinen +358 9 1734 2667,

Director in charge: Mr Ari Tyrkkö


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Last updated 20.6.2006

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Trend Indicator of Output [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-5439. April 2006. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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