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Published: 17 December 2008

Wages and salaries sum grew by 7.9 per cent in August to October

The wages and salaries sum of the whole economy was 7.9 per cent greater in the past August to October period than in the corresponding period twelve months before. The rate of growth increased from the previous August to October period in which the year-on-year growth in the wages and salaries sum was 5.5 per cent.

The wages and salaries sum went up in all main industries. The growth was fastest in construction where the sum was 14.9 per cent greater in this August to October period than in the respective time period twelve months earlier. Strong growth was also recorded in private health and social work (12.1%), other services (10 %) and trade (9.1%). Likewise, the wages and salaries sum grew favourably in the private educational services sector (8 %) and in the public sector (7.8 %). The increase in the wages and salaries sum was most moderate in manufacturing where it grew by 2.8 per cent over the latest three-month period.

Year-on-year change in wages and salaries sum in the 8/2008-10/2008 and 8/2007-10/2007 time periods, %

A revised standard industrial classification, TOL 2008, and base year 2005=100 will be introduced in these statistics starting from data concerning January 2009. A news item about the adoption of TOL 2008 in statistics on wage and salary indices is posted on the home page of the statistics.

Source: Wage and salary indices, October 2008. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mr Aki Niskanen +358 9 1734 2657,

Director in charge: Ms Hannele Orjala


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Last updated 17.12.2008

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Wage and salary indices [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-6125. October 2008. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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