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Appendix table 1. Profit and loss accounts of domestic banks 1.1.- 31.12.2016, EUR thousands (Corrected on 13 June 2017)

Corrected on 13 June 2017. The corrected numbers are indicated in red.
  1.1.- 31.12.2016
Commercial banks Co-operative banks total Savings banks total Domestic banks total
Interest income 3 295 756 903 791 211 237 4 410 785
Interest expenses 2 017 480 140 003 48 600 2 206 083
NET INCOME FROM FINANCIAL OPERATIONS 1 278 276 763 788 162 638 2 204 702
(Expenses on share capital repayable on demand) .. 1) .. .. ..
Dividend income 437 309 275 839 5 126 718 274
Fee and comission income 1 284 610 503 024 97 887 1 885 521
(Fee and comission expenses) 731 952 66 035 17 222 815 209
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 92 526 11 319 16 388 120 233
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 1 242 945 4 523 156 1 247 625
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net -15 252 30 130 -15 092
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 375 -14 -338 24
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net -3 633 -1 -177 -3 811
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net .. .. .. ..
Other operating income 166 909 88 067 26 009 280 985
(Other operating expenses) 63 127 161 156 38 445 262 727
TOTAL OPERATING INCOME, NET 3 690 212 1 419 428 251 753 5 361 392
(Administrative expenses) 1 680 321 735 583 139 020 2 554 923
of which: Wages, salaries and fees (including staff-related cost) 820 937 376 260 74 648 1 271 846
of which: Other administrative expenses 859 384 359 322 64 372 1 283 078
(Depreciation) 66 619 35 572 6 266 108 457
(Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions) -5 037 .. .. -5 037
(Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss) 85 033 48 507 11 931 145 471
(Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates) .. .. .. ..
(Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets) .. 13 933 2 878 17 033
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss .. .. .. ..
Share of profit or (-) loss in investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. .. .. .. ..
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations .. .. .. ..
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 1 933 757 585 831 91 659 2 611 247
(Appropriations) .. .. .. ..
(Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations) .. .. .. ..
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 1 522 803 444 732 66 983 2 034 518
Extraordinary profit or (-) loss after tax .. .. .. ..
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR 1 522 803 444 732 66 983 2 034 518
1) .. Data not available or too uncertain for presentation, or subject to secrecy

Source: Credit institutions' annual accounts, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Pekka Tamminen 029 551 2460, Jarkko Kaunisto 029 551 3551,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 18.4.2017

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Financial statement statistics on credit institutions [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-5180. 4th quarter 2016, Appendix table 1. Profit and loss accounts of domestic banks 1.1.- 31.12.2016, EUR thousands (Corrected on 13 June 2017) . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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