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Appendix table 2. Balance sheets of banks operating in Finland 1.1.- 30.9.2018, EUR thousands

  1.1.- 30.9.2018
Commercial banks Foreign banks Co-operative banks total Savings banks total Banks total
ASSETS . . . . .
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 15 239 007 83 995 109 1 148 550 671 697 101 054 364
Financial assets held for trading 4 056 262 1 237 904 75 844 .. 5 370 010
Financial assets outside the trading inventory that are mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss 533 360 7 076 991 6 129 143 603 186 14 342 681
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss .. .. .. .. 613 478
Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 15 494 775 .. .. 1 036 208 21 494 981
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 48 545 254 107 112 179 69 105 019 9 050 785 233 813 237
Derivatives - Hedge accounting (assets) 252 336 .. .. 50 684 454 066
Fair value changes of the hedge items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk (assets) .. .. .. .. ..
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates 1 159 513 212 790 15 583 10 022 1 397 909
Tangible assets 25 569 90 784 677 110 123 049 916 512
Intangible assets 190 040 582 121 7 358 33 694 813 214
Tax assets 6 793 106 202 25 669 5 738 144 403
Other assets 849 965 1 409 219 70 293 60 036 2 389 513
Non-current assets held for sale and transferable item groups .. .. .. .. ..
TOTAL ASSETS 86 704 787 206 928 046 77 555 214 11 645 101 382 833 147
Financial liabilities held for trading 2 928 585 1 240 650 44 144 .. 4 213 379
Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss .. .. .. .. ..
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 76 476 689 201 746 928 65 592 374 10 174 216 353 990 207
Derivatives - Hedge accounting (liabilities) 307 927 .. 61 969 .. 470 694
Fair value changes of the hedge items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk (liabilities) .. .. .. 31 088 96 181
Provisions 7 790 102 967 10 424 2 166 123 348
Tax liabilities 29 759 68 518 18 795 6 989 124 061
Share capital repayable on demand .. .. .. .. ..
Other Liabilities 3 286 606 2 452 939 2 114 656 388 310 8 242 510
Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale .. .. .. .. ..
TOTAL LIABILITIES 83 076 019 206 038 365 67 842 483 10 609 408 367 566 274
Equity 802 165 .. 3 579 324 .. 4 527 113
Share premium 558 792 .. .. .. 569 112
Equity instruments issued other than capital .. .. .. .. ..
Other equity .. .. .. .. 25 821
Accumulated other comprehensive income 47 352 .. 28 675 .. 141 488
Retained earnings 1 008 944 263 058 3 578 320 517 615 5 367 938
Uudelleenarvostus_rahastot .. .. .. .. ..
Other reserves 937 852 161 636 2 080 321 336 099 3 515 908
(-) Treasury shares .. .. .. .. ..
Profit or loss allocated to shareholders of the parent company 249 476 405 855 446 091 41 479 1 142 902
(-) Interim dividends .. .. .. .. ..
Minority interests (non-controlling owners’ interests) .. .. .. .. ..
TOTAL EQUITY 3 628 768 889 681 9 712 732 1 035 693 15 266 875
TOTAL EQUITY AND TOTAL LIABILITIES 86 704 787 206 928 046 77 555 215 11 645 101 382 833 149
1) Data not available or too uncertain for presentation, or subject to secrecy

Source: Credit institutions' annual accounts, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Antti Suutari 029 551 3257, Jarkko Kaunisto 029 551 3551,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 19.12.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Financial statement statistics on credit institutions [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-5180. 3rd quarter 2018, Appendix table 2. Balance sheets of banks operating in Finland 1.1.- 30.9.2018, EUR thousands . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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