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Appendix table 2. Balance sheets of banks operating in Finland 1.1.- 30.6.2020, EUR thousands

  1.1.- 30.6.2020
Commercial banks Foreign banks ,Co-operative banks total Savings banks total Banks total
ASSETS . . . . .
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 77 997 998 57 623 349 2 294 447 896 794 138 812 588
Financial assets held for trading 120 276 566 .. 1) 2) 23 749 .. 122 630 828
Financial assets outside the trading inventory that are mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss .. .. .. .. ..
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss .. .. .. .. 505 726
Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income .. .. .. .. ..
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost .. .. .. .. ..
Derivatives - Hedge accounting (assets) .. .. 305 268 72 012 3 868 620
Fair value changes of the hedge items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk (assets) 98 518 .. .. .. 98 518
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates .. .. 15 412 7 687 15 438 243
Tangible assets 1 134 351 106 393 599 771 113 525 1 954 040
Intangible assets 1 942 680 23 197 13 208 39 370 2 018 455
Tax assets 820 475 65 801 38 215 7 036 931 527
Other assets 4 668 168 277 639 73 667 42 228 5 061 703
Non-current assets held for sale and transferable item groups .. .. .. .. ..
TOTAL ASSETS 546 342 824 100 059 358 91 088 299 13 298 067 750 788 548
Financial liabilities held for trading 99 662 783 .. 151 799 .. 102 073 524
Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss .. .. .. .. ..
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 392 468 129 96 139 988 77 754 351 11 640 769 578 003 236
Derivatives - Hedge accounting (liabilities) 1 289 162 .. 232 842 .. 1 522 599
Fair value changes of the hedge items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk (liabilities) 1 805 304 .. .. 62 113 1 867 417
Provisions 1 287 032 46 501 9 882 2 295 1 345 710
Tax liabilities 23 326 55 121 47 045 6 465 131 957
Share capital repayable on demand .. .. .. .. ..
Other Liabilities 11 591 368 962 021 2 606 693 434 332 15 594 414
Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale .. .. .. .. ..
TOTAL LIABILITIES 514 146 907 99 689 822 80 802 611 12 146 569 706 785 910
Equity .. .. 3 520 447 123 618 8 559 357
Share premium 558 792 .. .. .. 569 112
Equity instruments issued other than capital .. .. .. .. ..
Other equity 136 640 .. .. .. 137 171
Accumulated other comprehensive income .. .. 233 652 10 158 -119 148
Retained earnings 23 483 681 264 959 4 131 984 580 688 28 461 312
Uudelleenarvostus_rahastot .. .. .. .. ..
Other reserves 2 063 201 .. .. 410 054 4 566 282
(-) Treasury shares .. .. .. .. 20 564
Profit or loss allocated to shareholders of the parent company 699 914 82 858 306 616 16 716 1 106 103
(-) Interim dividends .. .. .. .. ..
Minority interests (non-controlling owners’ interests) .. .. .. .. ..
TOTAL EQUITY 32 195 917 369 536 10 285 688 1 151 498 44 002 638
TOTAL EQUITY AND TOTAL LIABILITIES 546 342 824 100 059 358 91 088 299 13 298 067 750 788 548
1) .. No observations.
2) .. Data not available or too uncertain for presentation, or subject to secrecy.

Source: Credit institutions' annual accounts, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jukka-Pekka Pyylampi 029 551 3002, Heidi Lauttamäki 029 551 3029,

Head of Department in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko

Updated 15.10.2020

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Financial statement statistics on credit institutions [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-5180. 2nd quarter 2020, Appendix table 2. Balance sheets of banks operating in Finland 1.1.- 30.6.2020, EUR thousands . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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