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Appendix table 2. External assets and liabilities by sector, quarterly 2014, EUR million

2013/Q3 2013/Q4 2014/Q1 2014/Q2 2014/Q3
Assets S1 Total economy -21 143 -504 -5 894 -6 274 -12 433
S11 Non-financial corporations -7 294 -5 604 -8 471 -8 513 -7 841
S121 Central bank -5 029 3 231 -1 939 -1 084 -6 817
S122 Other monetary financial institutions 228 808 4 684 2 179 7 301
S123 Money market funds (MMF) -14 125 -37 -183 378
S124 Collective investment schemes excl. money market funds 2 296 609 1 823 1 850 394
S125+S126+S127 Other financial intermediaries financial auxiliaries and captive financial institutions and money lenders 711 394 24 878 804
S128+S129 Insurance corporations and pension funds 118 1 357 32 -1 105 -507
S1311 Central government -11 426 -3 065 -1 862 -3 047 -4 497
S1313 Local government 10 2 6 11 7
S1314 Social security funds -968 1 321 -19 2 562 -1 676
S14+S15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households 224 317 -135 180 20
Liabilities S1 Total economy -19 705 -4 495 1 494 -3 651 -12 976
S11 Non-financial corporations -5 043 -5 471 -2 023 -4 868 -6 161
S121 Central bank 63 -722 55 -314 -48
S122 Other monetary financial institutions -4 032 5 114 5 214 4 686 99
S123 Money market funds (MMF) -40 30 21 -1 -16
S124 Collective investment schemes excl. money market funds -247 565 113 888 -1 136
S125+S126+S127 Other financial intermediaries financial auxiliaries and captive financial institutions and money lenders -684 435 676 314 702
S128+S129 Insurance corporations and pension funds 18 63 64 -116 40
S1311 Central government -8 369 -2 564 -305 -3 118 -3 727
S1313 Local government 7 -174 -20 2 4
S1314 Social security funds -1 386 -1 781 -2 302 -1 126 -2 733
S14+S15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households 9 9      
Net S1 Total economy -1 438 3 991 -7 387 -2 623 543
S11 Non-financial corporations -2 251 -134 -6 448 -3 645 -1 680
S121 Central bank -5 092 3 953 -1 995 -770 -6 768
S122 Other monetary financial institutions 4 261 -4 307 -529 -2 507 7 203
S123 Money market funds (MMF) 26 95 -59 -183 394
S124 Collective investment schemes excl. money market funds 2 543 44 1 711 962 1 531
S125+S126+S127 Other financial intermediaries financial auxiliaries and captive financial institutions and money lenders 1 395 -41 -652 563 102
S128+S129 Insurance corporations and pension funds 100 1 294 -32 -989 -547
S1311 Central government -3 057 -501 -1 557 71 -770
S1313 Local government 3 176 26 8 2
S1314 Social security funds 418 3 102 2 283 3 688 1 057
S14+S15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households 216 309 -135 180 20
1) The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.

Source: Balance of payments and international investment position, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mira Malhotra 029 551 3411, Tapio Kuusisto 029 551 3318,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

Updated 15.12.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Balance of payments and international investment position [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-348X. October 2014, Appendix table 2. External assets and liabilities by sector, quarterly 2014, EUR million . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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