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Published: 1 August 2008

Growth in inbound tourism to Finland in 2007

The year 2007 was quite a good one for inbound tourism to Finland, even though the growth in tourism slowed down from the previous year. The number of nights spent by foreign visitors at accommodation establishments rose to 5.3 million and the year-on-year increase in nights spent was just short of seven per cent. Most of the growth came from Russia, the Baltic states, the United Kingdom and Germany. Russians' overnightings went up by 26 per cent and those of Britons by eight per cent from the year before. German and Baltic visitors spent 7 and 12 per cent more nights, respectively.

Tourism to Finland from the EU27 countries grew by three per cent. This is a reasonably good result considering that Finland held the EU Presidency in the latter half of 2006, which increased the demand for hotel services considerably in the year. Of the EU15 countries, tourism to Finland increased most from the Spain, United Kingdom and Germany, while of the new EU countries, growth came mainly from the Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Tourism from outside Europe increased as well, by six per cent from America and five per cent from Asia. Inbound tourism from the United States picked up again after a couple of years' decline. Japanese and Indian visitors maintained the growth of tourism from Asia and compensated for the waning tourism from China, South Korea and Taiwan.

Finland's tourism receipts increased by 10 per cent

The growth in inbound tourism increased Finland's tourism receipts by nearly 10 per cent from the year before. In 2007, Finland's tourism receipts rose to EUR 2. 1 billion. Most of the growth in tourism income came from Russia; tourism receipts from Russia accounted for 27 per cent of Finland's total tourism receipts in 2007.

Steady growth in domestic tourism

Nights spent by Finnish tourists at accommodation establishments increased by 4 per cent from the previous year. In 2007, the total number of nights spent by Finnish tourists rose to 13.7 million. Demand for hotel accommodation grew more rapidly, and the number of nights spent by Finnish tourists in hotels rose to 10.8 million. Finnish visitors also spent more nights in holiday villages than in the year before, while demand for camping site services declined. Rented holiday homes have become an increasingly popular type of lodging, but they are not included in the accommodation statistics. According to the Finnish Travel survey, Finnish residents spent 3.6 million nights in rented holiday homes in 2007.

Source: Tourism Statistics. Statistics Finland

Contact information: Ms Ritva Marin +358 9 1734 2552,

Director in charge: Ms Hannele Orjala


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Last updated 1.8.2008

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Accommodation statistics [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-6325. 2007. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 10.3.2025].
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