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Appendix table 1. Use balance 2009

  Round wood Fuel wood
Forest chips Residues from ind. Sawn wood
Wood-based panels  Mechan. pulp Chemic. pulp
Paper and board Waste liquors
Recycl. paper
  1 000 cubic metres 1 000 tonnes
BASIC SUPPLY                      
Fellings     41 990 5710 5710                
Import 4 322 1022   3 868 527 326 3 349 405   35
Production and other supply 0 0 0 14 509 8 072 1 067 3 214 5 518 10 602 9 420 725
Export 683 7   498 5 109 833 135 1 370 9 688   216
TOTAL SUPPLY  45 629 6 725 6 092 17 879 3 490 560 3 082 4 497 1 319 9 420 544
FOREST INDUSTRY                      
Sawing and planing                      
    as raw material 18 380                    
   production       9 680 8 072            
Wood-based panels                      
   as raw material 2 110     290              
   production       1 734   1 067          
Mec. pulp prod.                      
   as raw material 7 530     1 570              
   production       535     3 214        
Chem. pulp prod.                      
   as raw material 23 140     4 500              
   production       2 560       5 518   9 420  
Paper, board prod.                      
   as raw material             3 082 4 397     544
   production                 10 602    
TOTAL USE AS RAW MATERIAL 51 160     6 360     3 082 4 397     544
OTHER USE                      
Power plants as fuel   1 022 5 421 8 039           8 971  
Small-size dwellings as fuel   5 363 671                
Other industries and changes in inventories,
as raw material
-5 531 340   3 480 3 490 560   100 1 319 449  
TOTAL -5 531 6 725 6 092 11 519 3 490 560   100 1 319 9 420  

Source: Forest accounts 2009, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jukka Muukkonen 09-1734 3224,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

Updated 21.12.2010

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Forest accounts [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-6249. 2009, Appendix table 1. Use balance 2009 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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