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Published: 1 March 2011

Gross domestic product grew by 1.7 per cent from the previous quarter and by 5.2 per cent year-on-year

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, in the October to December period of 2010 the volume of Finland’s gross domestic product increased by 1.7 per cent from the previous quarter. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2009, working-day adjusted GDP grew by 5.2 per cent. The fourth quarter of 2010 had the same number of working days as twelve months before.

Gross domestic product by quarter at reference year 2000 prices

Gross domestic product by quarter at reference year 2000 prices

Revisions put the change in the volume of GDP in the third quarter of 2010 at +0.4 per cent from the previous quarter (was +0.5 %) and at +3 per cent from twelve months back (was +3.7 %). The data of the seasonally adjusted and trend series always become revised as new observations become available. Revisions especially at turning points of economic trends may be significant, which should be taken into consideration when using seasonally adjusted and trend data.

The volume of exports grew by 6.6 per cent from the previous quarter and by 6 per cent year-on-year. Imports decreased by 4.6 per cent from the previous quarter but increased by 3.8 per cent year-on-year.

In the fourth quarter, the volume of private consumption grew by one per cent from the previous quarter and was 3.1 per cent up on twelve months back. Investments went up by 0.7 per cent from the previous quarter and by 6.3 per cent from one year back. Inventories diminished by almost EUR 1.3 billion at current prices, mostly because of a cruise ship delivery in October.

Volume refers to data adjusted for price changes. Volumes at reference year 2000 prices are expressed relative to the 2000 level at current prices (in EUR). Change percentages from the quarter of the previous year have been calculated from time series adjusted for working days, and change percentages from the previous quarter from seasonally adjusted time series.

In July 2010, Statistics Finland started to produce three new indicators derived from the quarterly sector accounts of national accounts: households' saving rate, non-financial corporations' investment rate and non-financial corporations' profit share. These time series can be viewed on Eurostat's website at:

Source: National Accounts 2010, 4th quarter. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Pasi Koikkalainen (09) 1734 3332, Samu Hakala (09) 1734 3756, Samu Hakala (09) 17343756,

Director in charge: Ari Tyrkkö

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Updated 1.3.2011

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Quarterly national accounts [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-9765. 4th quarter 2010. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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