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Appendix table 1. Owner-occupiers housing expenditures 2010=100

  Index 2010=100 Quarterly change, % Yearly change, %
Index Year Quarter      
Owner-occupiers housing expenditures 2012 1st quarter 106,3 1,7 4,6
2nd quarter 108,2 1,9 4,9
3rd quarter 108,8 0,5 3,8
4th quarter 108,9 0,2 4,2
Whole year 108,1 . 4,4
2013 1st quarter 109,5 0,5 3,1
Acquisitions of dwellings 2012 1st quarter 106,3 1,7 4,7
2nd quarter 108,4 2,0 5,0
3rd quarter 108,9 0,5 3,9
4th quarter 109,1 0,2 4,4
Whole year 108,2 . 4,5
2013 1st quarter 109,6 0,5 3,1
New dwellings 2012 1st quarter 107,1 1,9 5,4
2nd quarter 109,1 1,9 5,1
3rd quarter 109,6 0,4 4,1
4th quarter 109,9 0,3 4,6
Whole year 108,9 . 4,8
2013 1st quarter 110,6 0,6 3,3
Other costs related to the acquisitions of dwellings 2012 1st quarter 96,1 -0,9 -5,4
2nd quarter 99,3 3,3 3,6
3rd quarter 100,6 1,2 2,3
4th quarter 98,5 -2,0 1,6
Whole year 98,6 . 0,5
2013 1st quarter 97,3 -1,2 1,2
Ownership of dwellings 2012 1st quarter 105,9 1,2 3,9
2nd quarter 106,7 0,8 3,3
3rd quarter 107,2 0,5 2,8
4th quarter 107,1 -0,1 2,4
Whole year 106,7 . 3,1
2013 1st quarter 108,2 1,0 2,2
Major repairs and maintenance 2012 1st quarter 105,1 0,7 3,5
2nd quarter 105,9 0,8 2,9
3rd quarter 106,4 0,5 2,3
4th quarter 106,3 -0,1 1,9
Whole year 105,9 . 2,7
2013 1st quarter 106,7 0,4 1,6
Insurance connected with the dwelling 2012 1st quarter 114,0 6,5 7,2
2nd quarter 114,0 0,0 7,2
3rd quarter 114,7 0,7 7,9
4th quarter 115,1 0,3 7,6
Whole year 114,4 . 7,5
2013 1st quarter 123,4 7,2 8,3

Source: Indices of owner-occupied housing prices, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Martti Korhonen 09 1734 3451, Tomi Martikainen 09 1734 3632,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

Updated 5.7.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Indices of owner-occupied housing prices [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-6971. 1st quarter 2013, Appendix table 1. Owner-occupiers housing expenditures 2010=100 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: