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Published: 4 April 2018

Housing costs of owner-occupied dwellings rose by 1.1 per cent

According to Statistics Finland, the housing costs of owner-occupied dwellings increased by 1.1 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2017 from the respective quarter of 2016. According to preliminary data, the price of buying a dwelling went up by 1.2 per cent from the corresponding period. Compared with the previous quarter, the housing costs of owner-occupied dwellings rose by 0.2 per cent and purchasing of dwellings became 0.3 per cent cheaper.

Indices of owner-occupied housing prices 2015=100

Indices of owner-occupied housing prices 2015=100

Statistics Finland's indices of owner-occupied housing prices consist of two index series. The first, housing costs of owner-occupied dwellings series describes the development of the costs of owner-occupied dwellings. The housing costs of owner-occupied dwellings consist of the prices of new dwellings purchased by households and other costs of owner-occupied dwellings, like renovations. The second, housing prices series describes the price development of all dwellings. The index is based on the data in the statistics on prices of units in housing companies and real estate prices. The calculation of the statistics is based on Commission Regulation (EC) 93/2013.

Publication of the indices of owner-occupied housing prices is discontinued

This is the last publication of the indices of owner-occupied housing prices. In future, the figures of the indices of owner-occupied housing prices will be published on Eurostat's page .

Source: Indices of owner-occupied housing prices, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Petri Kettunen 029 551 3558, Elina Vuorio 029 551 3385,

Director in charge: Sami Saarikivi

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Updated 4.4.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Indices of owner-occupied housing prices [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-6971. 4th quarter 2017. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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