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Published: 20 March 2012

Employment during studies was more widespread in 2010 than one year earlier

According to Statistics Finland's data, employment during studies was more widespread in 2010 than one year earlier. Fifty-six per cent of students were employed during their studies. The share of students employed during studies grew by one percentage point from the previous year. Employment during studies was most widespread among university students, as 61 per cent of them had an employment contract while studying. The share of students employed during polytechnic studies was 59 per cent. Employment during studies remained on level with the previous year only among students in upper secondary vocational education.

Shares of employed students aged at least 18 of all students in 2006-2010

Shares of employed students aged at least 18 of all students in 2006-2010

Women worked while studying more frequently than men: 59 per cent of women and 53 per cent of men had an employment contract while studying. The differences between women and men in working while studying were the largest in education leading to matriculation examination and polytechnic degree. The proportion of employed women was ten percentage points higher than that of men. By contrast, in education leading to a higher university degree, such as master's degrees, under two percentage points more women than men were employed during studies.

Employment during studies grew more widespread the older the students were. Twenty-four per cent of 18-year-old students, 46 per cent of 21-year-old students and 55 per cent of 24-year-old students had an employment relationship. Among the students aged 25 or over, 70 per cent were employed during their studies.

Employment of students during studies varied by field of education. Sixty-eight per cent of students in the fields of social sciences, and business and administration were employed at the end of 2010. In the fields of safety and security, social services, health and sports 63 per cent of students and in the field of tourism, catering and domestic services 56 per cent of students were employed during studies.

Employment during studies was more common than the average for the whole country in the regions of Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi, Kanta-Häme and Ostrobothnia.

More information related to the progress of studies is available from statistics describing Discontinuation of education and Progress of studies .

Source: Education 2012. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Ritva Kaukonen 09 1734 3311,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

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Updated 20.3.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Employment of students [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-0017. 2010. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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