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Published: 4 October 2006

Number of patent applications decreased from previous year

A total of 2,061 patent applications were filed in Finland in 2005. The number was 164 lower than in the previous year. Foreign patent applications filed direct with the Board of Patents and Registration numbered 226, which was 11 more than in the year before. The largest numbers of foreign patent applications were received from the United States (69), Sweden (41) and Germany (23).

The vast majority, or 74 per cent of all domestic patent applications were filed by companies and associations, the rest by private individuals. The number of patent applications filed by business enterprises and associations decreased by just under 200, while the figure for private persons went up from the year before.

In 2005, domestic patent applications were filed by 539 business enterprises or associations. The number was 17 lower than in 2004. Nineteen enterprises filed patent applications jointly with another enterprise, while 15 enterprises filed 10 or more applications. Most business enterprises only filed one patent application; in 2005 such enterprises numbered 371.

More than one-third (37%) of the inventions for which a domestic patent application was filed in 2005 originated from the sub-regional unit of Helsinki. The next largest sub-regional units in this respect were those of Tampere (8%) and Oulu (7%).

In an examination based on the International Patent Classification (IPC), the largest single category of domestic patent applications, accounting for 21 per cent, was the section of performing operations and transporting. The next biggest section was electricity, accounting for 18 per cent of all applications. Among foreign applications electricity was the biggest section accounting for 28 per cent. Performing operations and transporting accounted for the next largest share of 15 per cent of foreign applications.

Patent applications filed in Finland by IPC section in 2005

In 2005 a total of 1,757 patents were granted in Finland, 1,121 to domestic and 636 to foreign applicants. The number of patents granted fell by 327 from the previous year. The majority (25%) of the patents granted to domestic applicants were in the section of electricity, while the majority granted to foreign applicants were in the section of chemistry and metallurgy. Domestic patents granted to business enterprises and associations totalled 1,022 while the enterprises to which patents were granted numbered 310. The numbers of enterprises to which patents were granted were the highest in the metal and engineering industry (74), electronics industry (53) and other business services (34).

Source: Patenting 2005. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mr Markku Virtaharju +358 9 1734 3290,

Director in charge: Ms Kaija Hovi


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Last updated 4.10.2006

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Patenting [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-3023. 2005. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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