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8. Partner countries in patents granted to Finnish inventors in 2007

Partner's country of residence Domestic ownership of inventions made abroad Foreign ownership of domestic inventions Patents with at least one foreign co-inventor
Total of grants 764 1164 720 1027 720 1027
Total co-operation with abroad 172 332 81 111 89 147
EU-27 118 .. 50 .. 58 ..
Great Britain 24 47 4 3 11 13
United States 35 141 19 45 19 63
Germany 22 32 9 8 16 23
Sweden 31 30 29 24 15 13
Denmark 15 30 2 1 5 7
Austria 5 1 2 .. 3 2
Japan 4 13 2 .. 3 1
Netherlands 5 7 4 14 5 10
France 6 2 .. 1 2 4
Italy 1 5 .. .. .. 3
China 6 6 .. .. 3 5

Source: Patenting 2007. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Markku Virtaharju (09) 1734 3290,

Acting Director in charge: Matti Parkkinen

Updated 30.10.2008

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Patenting [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-3023. 2007, 8. Partner countries in patents granted to Finnish inventors in 2007 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: