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Appendix table 4. Families by language of spouses/parents on December 31, 2010

Language of wife/mother Total Language of man/father
Finnish Swedish Russian Estonian Thai   Chinese English Somali Other or unknown Family without a father
All families 1 455 073 1 182 571 75 535 9 463 4 242 128 1 369 4 667 1 161 26 286 149 651
Finnish 1 290 489 1 114 828 24 552 1 254 870 57 119 3 627 76 11 438 133 668
Swedish 73 764 18 337 47 881 37 42 10 8 307 7 850 6 285
Russian 19 873 7 445 299 7 658 361 2 7 66 1 605 3 429
Estonian 7 678 2 747 157 168 2 803 - 2 23 3 201 1 574
Thai 3 602 3 073 165 1 5 51 1 11 - 36 259
Chinese 2 226 759 53 6 5 - 1 133 25 1 92 152
English 2 078 1 253 128 6 3 - 10 300 - 162 216
Somali 1 858 21 - 1 1 1 - 3 1 006 16 809
Other or unknown 23 227 6 474 632 189 43 6 65 236 18 12 305 3 259
Family without a mother 30 278 27 634 1 668 143 109 1 24 69 49 581 -

Source: Population and Cause of Death Statistics, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Marjut Pietiläinen (09) 1734 2798, Timo Nikander (09) 1734 3250,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 30.11.2011

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Families [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-3231. Annual Review 2010, Appendix table 4. Families by language of spouses/parents on December 31, 2010 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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