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Appendix table 12. Reconstituted families by family composition and number of children on December 31, 2012

Number of children Total      Families' children are
Only mother's Only father's Mother's and father's Mother's and common Father's and common Mother's, father's and common
All reconstituted families 53 018 24 643 3 142 1 966 20 300 2 153 814
1 18 762 16 342 2 420 - - - -
2 18 560 6 791 606 813 9 355 995 -
3 10 844 1 278 100 703 7 675 799 289
4 3 555 197 11 327 2 471 264 285
5 940 26 3 87 611 62 151
6- 357 9 2 36 188 33 89
Married couple 26 838 9 804 1 339 778 12 978 1 401 538
1 7 593 6 573 1 020 - - - -
2 9 239 2 641 266 350 5 415 567 -
3 6 621 493 45 253 5 107 555 168
4 2 423 80 5 124 1 821 199 194
5 680 12 1 39 468 48 112
6- 282 5 2 12 167 32 64
Cohabiting couple 26 180 14 839 1 803 1 188 7 322 752 276
1 11 169 9 769 1 400 - - - -
2 9 321 4 150 340 463 3 940 428 -
3 4 223 785 55 450 2 568 244 121
4 1 132 117 6 203 650 65 91
5 260 14 2 48 143 14 39
6- 75 4 - 24 21 1 25

Source: Population and Cause of Death Statistics, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Marjut Pietiläinen 09 1734 2798, Timo Nikander 09 1734 3250,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 13.1.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Families [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-3231. Annual Review 2012, Appendix table 12. Reconstituted families by family composition and number of children on December 31, 2012 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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