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Pay differentials largest in Uusimaa, smallest in North Karelia

In 2008, average earnings were highest in Uusimaa at EUR 3,202. No other region achieved the level of average earnings for the whole country. The regions with the lowest earnings were Etelä-Savo (EUR 2,550) and South Ostrobothnia (EUR 2,574). In Uusimaa, the best paid decile earned at least 2.62 times more than the decile with the lowest earnings. North Karelia was the region with the smallest pay differential of only 2-fold between the deciles. The differentials in the dispersion of earnings between the regions are mostly caused by differences in the structures of their wage and salary earning populations and jobs.

Average monthly earnings and dispersion of earnings of full-time wage and salary earners by region in 2008 by Region and Total earnings, EUR / month

Region Total earnings, EUR / month
Number Mean 1st decile Median 9th decile
Total 1 438 034 2 876 1 826 2 551 4 287
01. Uusimaa 492 613 3 202 1 899 2 806 4 984
02. Varsinais-Suomi 118 897 2 728 1 796 2 449 4 000
04. Satakunta 55 904 2 681 1 785 2 446 3 842
05. Kanta-Häme 41 734 2 654 1 782 2 417 3 787
06. Pirkanmaa 128 499 2 789 1 807 2 527 4 065
07. Päijät-Häme 51 308 2 632 1 772 2 391 3 739
08. Kymenlaakso 42 108 2 749 1 802 2 507 3 887
09. South Karelia 34 585 2 746 1 816 2 521 3 838
10. Etelä-Savo 35 292 2 550 1 738 2 338 3 541
11. Pohjois-Savo 60 876 2 656 1 783 2 415 3 762
12. North Karelia 35 363 2 578 1 800 2 360 3 612
13. Central Finland 65 668 2 724 1 814 2 468 3 879
14. South Ostrobothnia 42 380 2 574 1 738 2 354 3 612
15. Ostrobothnia 41 892 2 794 1 851 2 549 4 010
16. Central Ostrobothnia 14 403 2 651 1 781 2 462 3 743
17. North Ostrobothnia 95 406 2 778 1 807 2 492 4 046
18. Kainuu 17 471 2 591 1 791 2 384 3 652
19. Lapland 42 250 2 680 1 806 2 455 3 769
20. Itä-Uusimaa 19 351 2 809 1 821 2 498 4 209

At the end of 2008, more than one-third of all full-time wage and salary earners were located in the region of Uusimaa. The share employed by the public sector was highest in Kainuu, Lapland and North Karelia. By contrast, the share of wage and salary earners employed by the private sector was significant in industrialised regions like Itä-Uusimaa, Päijät-Häme and Satakunta and, due to a large share of service industries, also in Uusimaa, South Karelia and Pirkanmaa.

Shares of employer sectors of employment relationships recorded in statistics in different regions in 2008, % of full-time wage and salary earners in region

Shares of employer sectors of employment relationships recorded in statistics in different regions in 2008, % of full-time wage and salary earners in region

Source: Structure of Earnings 2008, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Antti Katainen (09) 1734 2347, Mika Idman (09) 1734 3445,

Director in charge: Kari Molnar

Updated 9.4.2010

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Structure of Earnings [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-0092. 2008, Pay differentials largest in Uusimaa, smallest in North Karelia . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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