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Published: 18 January 2011

Surplus of international trade in services fell in 2009

According to Statistics Finland’s final data, the surplus of international trade in services contracted to EUR 3.3 billion in 2009, which is over one quarter less than in 2008. Services were exported in 2009 to the tune of around EUR 15 billion, while imports of services amounted to EUR 12 billion.

Imports, exports and surplus of foreign trade in services 2002–2009, mill. euro

Imports, exports and surplus of foreign trade in services 2002–2009, mill. euro

The surplus of international trade contracted as exports declined and imports of services grew slightly. The value of imports fell in 2009 by six per cent or by about EUR one billion relative to 2008. In contrast, imports of services grew by two per cent, a total of EUR 230 million.

The surplus of international trade in services grew in royalty and licence fees. Exports of these services increased by EUR 245 million, while imports fell by EUR 468 million. In 2008 the deficit of international trade in royalties and licence fees was EUR 373 million, whereas in 2009 the surplus was EUR 373 million.

In exports of services the key trade partners were India, Sweden and China. In addition to Sweden, of the neighbouring countries most services were exported to Russia and Germany. Imports of services are centred on certain countries more clearly than exports are. The key importing countries of ser-vices are still Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and Sweden.

The share of EU15 countries in service exports still remained on a low level compared with the early years of the statistics. China and India increased their share of international trade in services in 2009. The significance of these countries as trading partners has grown from 2002.

The statistics on international trade in services are based on Statistics Finland's annual and quarterly inquiries on international trade in services. The data include service trade between group enterprises. The statistics do not include transportation, travel, insurance and financial services. The data are used as part of balance of payments compiled by the Bank of Finland.

Source: Foreign trade in services 2009, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jaakko Salmela (09) 1734 2953, Marjatta Tenhunen (09) 1734 2927,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

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Updated 18.1.2011

Referencing instructions:

Statistics: International trade in services [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-3525. 2009. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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