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Appendix table 4. Types of accommodation used by foreign passengers in Finland in 2011

Type of accommodation Number,
1000 pass.
per cent (%)
number of nights
Total number of nights
(1000 nights)
Hotel, motel 2 074 49 3,1 6 819
Youth hostel 66 2 4,9 401
Camping site 118 3 4,7 708
Rented cottage 136 3 7,0 1 121
Friends, relatives 1 017 24 7,3 8 054
Own apartment or cottage 337 8 24,6 8 745
Employer's apartment 150 4 22,3 3 404
Other type of accommodation 142 3 4,9 811
Several types of accommodation 150 4 . .
Total 4 192 100 . .
No overnight stay 3 068 . . .

Source: Border Interview Survey 2011, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jyrki Krzywacki 09 1734 2701,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 13.6.2012

Referencing instructions:

Statistics: Border Interview Survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-1722. 2011, Appendix table 4. Types of accommodation used by foreign passengers in Finland in 2011 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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