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Published: 21 May 2008

Number of buildings 1.4 million in 2007

According to Statistics Finland there were 1,406,000 buildings in Finland at the end of 2007. Residential buildings, the majority of them detached houses, made up 86 per of the total building stock. The total number of non-residential buildings was 202,000, or 14 per cent of the total building stock. More than one-half of the building stock has been constructed since 1970.

At the end of 2007, the total floor area of the building stock exceeded 414 million square metres. Relative to the floor area, the share of residential buildings of the total floor area was only 64 per cent. Industrial buildings accounted for the largest share of the total floor area of non-residential buildings.

A building is classified into a certain classification category by the intended use of the largest share of its floor area.

Number of buildings by intended use on 31 Dec. 2007

Intended use Buildings,
Share of all
buildings, %
Buildings, total 1 1,405,744 100.0
Residential buildings, total 1,203,649 85.6
     Detached houses 1,074,059 76.4
     Attached houses 74,201 5.3
     Residential blocks of flats 55,389 3.9
Non-residential buildings, total 202,095 14.4
     Commercial buildings 40,769 2.9
     Office buildings 10,580 0.8
     Transport and communications buildings 52,623 3.7
     Buildings for institutional care 7,734 0.6
     Assembly buildings 13,334 0.9
     Educational buildings 8,940 0.6
     Industrial buildings 38,625 2.7
     Warehouses 24,062 1.7
     Other buildings 5,428 0.4
1As a rule, free-time residences and agricultural buildings are not included in statistics on the building stock.

Source: Building Stock 2007. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Ms Marja Hermiö +358 9 1734 3211, Ms Arja Tiihonen +358 9 1734 3272,

Director in charge: Mr Jari Tarkoma

Last updated 21.5.2008

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Building stock [e-publication].
2007. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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