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Published: 23 June 2011

Cubic volume covered by granted building permits grew by nearly 18 per cent in April

In April 2011, building permits were granted for a total of close on 3.7 million cubic metres, which is 17.8 per cent more than one year ago. This is indicated by Statistics Finland’s preliminary data from statistics on building and dwelling production.

Granted permits and building starts, mil. m3, variable annual sum

Granted permits and building starts, mil. m3, variable annual sum
In the release the data indicated with an asterisk (*) are preliminary data.

The cubic volume covered by permits for residential buildings went up by 15.2 per cent in April from one year back. The cubic volume covered by permits for terraced houses went up most, by nearly 68 per cent. The cubic volume covered by permits for residential blocks of flats was also growing briskly. In contrast, the cubic volume covered by permits for detached houses decreased by ten per cent from the year before.

The cubic volume of others than residential buildings grew most for commercial and office buildings. The growth was nearly 84 per cent. The cubic volume of commercial buildings and transport and communications buildings showed the strongest growth.

The cubic volume covered by permits for industrial and warehouse buildings was also growing, up by nearly 54 per cent. This was due to growth in the cubic volume of warehouse buildings.

The cubic volume covered by permits for public service buildings went down by 40 per cent.

In April 2011, building permits were granted for 3,440 new dwellings, which is nearly one quarter more than one year earlier. In permits granted for dwellings, the number of permits granted for residential blocks of flats and terraced houses went up by roughly 60 per cent. The number of permits granted for detached houses went down by nine per cent.

Volume of newbuilding went up by nearly 15 per cent in April

In April 2011, the constant-price value or the volume of ongoing building production was up by 14.7 per cent year-on-year. The volume of construction of industrial and warehouse buildings increased most, by 26.1 per cent.

The volume of residential building construction went up by 17.6 per cent. In residential building construction, the volume of construction of residential blocks of flats still continued to grow strongly, being 32.9 per cent higher than in April 2010.

In construction of industrial and warehouse buildings, the volume of construction of industrial buildings increased by 29.1 per cent and that of warehouse buildings by 20.1 per cent from one year back.

The volume of other than residential building construction grew by almost 12 per cent from last year.

Volume index for newbuilding 2005=100, trend

Volume index for newbuilding 2005=100, trend

Source: Building and dwelling production, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Heli Suonio (09) 1734 2481, Merja Järvinen (09) 1734 2458,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

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Updated 23.6.2011

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Building and dwelling production [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9590. April 2011. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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