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Revisions in these statistics

The data of the statistics have become revised according to the table below. For more information about data revisions, see Section 3 of the quality description (only in Finnish).

Revision of annual changes in granted building permits 1)

Reference period Year-on-year change (%), 1st release Latest release (2017-08-25) Revision, percentage point
2016/06 -24.4 -6.3 18.1
2016/07 -22.5 -15.7 6.8
2016/08 -29.1 -21.2 7.9
2016/09 -42.3 -37.0 5.3
2016/10 56.1 62.6 6.5
2016/11 23.5 33.7 10.2
2016/12 8.4 11.9 3.5
2017/01 7.3 14.3 7.0
2017/02 -11.1 -9.4 1.7
2017/03 8.6 14.2 5.6
2017/04 -10.6 -6.4 4.2
2017/05 -7.8 -3.6 4.2
1) The 1st release refers to the time when data for the reference period were released for the first time. The revision describes the difference of annual change percentages between the first and latest release.

Revision of annual changes in the volume index of newbuilding 1)

Reference period Year-on-year change (%), 1st release Latest release (2017-08-25) Revision, percentage point
2016/06 21.2 19.5 -1.7
2016/07 19.4 18.4 -1.0
2016/08 17.1 19.3 2.2
2016/09 10.2 17.7 7.5
2016/10 7.2 16.6 9.4
2016/11 12.9 14.4 1.5
2016/12 8.1 10.8 2.7
2017/01 10.9 11.6 0.7
2017/02 13.6 12.3 -1.3
2017/03 14.3 14.4 0.1
2017/04 12.4 12.9 0.5
2017/05 14.3 12.5 -1.8
1) The 1st release refers to the time when data for the reference period were released for the first time. The revision describes the difference of annual change percentages between the first and latest release.

Source: Building and dwelling production, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jose Lahtinen 029 551 3776, Heli Suonio 029 551 2481, Merja Järvinen 029 551 2458,

Director in charge: Sami Saarikivi

Updated 25.8.2017

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Building and dwelling production [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9590. June 2017, Revisions in these statistics . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: