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Published: 27 February 2015

Turnover of large enterprises contracted in January

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, the turnover of large enterprises contracted in January 2015. The seasonally adjusted turnover decreased by 0.2 per cent from December. In December, the seasonally adjusted turnover was 0.7 per cent and in November 0.5 per cent lower compared to the preceding month.

Seasonally adjusted change in the turnover of large enterprises from the previous month, %

Seasonally adjusted change in the turnover of large enterprises from the previous month, %

The turnover of large enterprises without seasonal adjustment contracted by 7.0 per cent in January 2015 compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. In the November to January period, the turnover of large enterprises diminished by 3.8 per cent from the corresponding period of the year before.

Annual change in the turnover of large enterprises, %

Annual change in the turnover of large enterprises, %

The turnover estimate of large enterprises is based on a sample formed of 2,000 enterprises with the most significant turnover in manufacturing, construction, trade and other service industries. Excluded from the statistics are enterprises engaged in primary production, and bank and insurance activities.

The enterprises described in the statistics make up nearly 70 per cent of the turnover of all enterprises operating in Finland, represent more than one-half of the investments made and employ good 40 per cent of the personnel of all enterprises.

The data can be used for short-term monitoring of development in business activities and the market. Because the economic development of smaller enterprises may differ from large enterprises, the economic situation of the whole enterprise sector cannot be assessed solely based on these statistics.

More detailed data on the development of various industries are published monthly on the home pages of business trend indicators.

New seasonal adjustment software adopted

Starting from the January 2015 data, a new seasonal adjustment software J-Demetra+ will be adopted in the indices of turnover. The software change does not affect the used seasonal adjustment method. The change does not influence the interpretation or use of the time series either. More about the implementation of the software Changes in these statistics

Source: Turnover estimate of large enterprises, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Aki Niskanen 029 551 2657, Jarkko Niemistö 029 551 2951,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

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Revisions in these statistics

Updated 27.2.2015

Referencing instructions:

Statistics: Turnover estimate of large enterprises [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-0723. January 2015. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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