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Published: 1 August 2008

Leisure trips in June 2008

In June Finnish residents made 439,000 overnight leisure trips abroad. Of these trips 360,000 included one or more overnights in the country of destination. A one-sixth of these trips were headed to Estonia. Most of the cruises including overnights on board only were to Sweden and Estonia. These preliminary data are based on Statistics Finland's Finnish Travel Survey for which 1,459 persons aged 15 to 74 permanently resident in Finland were interviewed in July.

Finnish residents made 2.6 million leisure trips in Finland. This is one per cent down from the corresponding period in the year before. Most of the trips, or 2.1 million, included free accommodation at one's own free-time residence, with relatives or friends or in some other type of free accommodation.

The final and more accurate data on the Finnish Travel Survey are published in the annual publication on Finnish travel. In addition, quarterly preliminary data are published in connection with the monthly publication Tourism Statistics (accommodation statistics) two months after the end of the relevant quarter.

Finnish residents' overnight leisure trips in June 2008 and annual change, preliminary data

  Trips in June Annual change, %
6/2008 - 6/2007
Cumulative annual change, %
1-6/2008 - 1-6/2007
Domestic trips with paid accommodation 444,000 14 5
Trips to own free-time residence and visits to friends and relatives 2,117,000 -4 -1
Trips in Finland, total 2,561,000 -1 0
Trips abroad, overnight in country of destination 360,000 9 6
  - Estonia 60,000 -8 -4
  - Other countries 300,000 13 9
Cruises, overnight on board only 79,000 -20 6
  - To Estonia 16,000 -45 29
  - To Sweden 63,000 -10 -6
Trips abroad, total 439,000 2 6
Leisure trips, total 3,000,000 -1 1

Source: Finnish Travel Survey. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mr Lauri Manninen +358 9 1734 3260 and Ms Ritva Tikkanen +358 9 1734 3300,

Director in charge: Ms Hannele Orjala


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Last updated 1.8.2008

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish Travel [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9027. June 2008. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 13.3.2025].
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