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Appendix table 1. Trips of Finnish residents and changes in them in September-December 2012 1)

  1,000 trips  
September October     November December September-
Year-on-year change, %
9-12/2012 -
All trips, total 3,071 3,079 3,221 3,113 12,483 0
Leisure Domestic Total 2,010 1,881 1,863 2,048 7,801 -6
Paid accommodation 520 344 421 408 1,693 16
Free accommodation 1,490 1,537 1,442 1,640 6,108 -10
Abroad Total 2) 546 612 656 648 2,462 17
Overnight stay in destination country 402 428 447 499 1,777 35
Cruise 98 110 135 67 409 -25
Day trip .. 74 74 82 276 12
Business Domestic Total 383 375 512 258 1,529 -3
Abroad Total 2) 132 211 189 159 691 21
[ .. ] Data not available or too uncertain for presentation.
1) Due to revised data collection method, data on 2012 are not fully comparable with those on earlier years.
2) Includes same-day trips, cruises and trips with overnight stay in destination country

Source: Finnish Travel, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Taru Tamminen 09 1734 2243,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

Updated 5.2.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish Travel [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9027. Summer (1.9.-31.12.2012) 2012, Appendix table 1. Trips of Finnish residents and changes in them in September-December 2012 1) . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: