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9. Travelling has changed a lot in ten years

A decade ago, 4.2 million domestic leisure trips with paid accommodation were made while in 2013 the corresponding number was 5.6 million. In ten years, the number of trips has increased by one-third.

A decade ago, the number of trips abroad with overnight stay in the destination country was 2.6 million. In 2013, the corresponding number of trips was 5.0 million. In ten years, the number of trips have nearly doubled.

By contrast, domestic overnight trips with free accommodation and overnight cruises to Sweden and Estonia have lost some of their popularity during the decade.

The differences compared to the situation ten years ago become emphasised when viewing the number of trips by age group. Those who were aged 15 to 34 in 2003 were aged 25 to 44 in 2013. In these age groups the number of trips with overnight stay in paid accommodation both in Finland and abroad have increased exponentially .

Those who were aged 55 to 64 a decade ago reached retirement age by 2013 and increased their trips abroad with overnight stay by good one-third. Persons belonging to the oldest age group have decreased travelling in the past decade .

Table 1. Leisure trips with overnight stay by group of trips and age in 2003 and 2013, and the change in these

Age Trips in Finland Trips abroad
Overnight stay
in destination country
Cruises with overnight
stay on board only
Age group 2003 2003 2003 2003
15 to 24 572,000 4,571,000 303,000 328,000
25 to 34 656,000 4 552,000 410,000 290,000
35 to 44 1,054,000 3,468,000 481,000 339,000
45 to 54 1,047,000 3,496,000 626,000 357,000
55 to 64 642,000 2,927,000 549,000 342,000
65 to 74 274,000 1,293,000 232,000 259,000
15 to 74 trips total 4,245,000 20,307,000 2,601,000 1,915,000
Age group 2013 2013 2013 2013
25 to 34 1,131,000 4,311,000 1,004,000 167,000
35 to 44 1,345,000 2,886 000 953,000 195,000
45 to 54 1,387,000 2,930,000 1 130 000 168,000
55 to 64 991,000 2,992,000 1 017 000 230,000
65 to 74 622,000 1,924,000 749 000 254,000
75 to 84 174,000 67,1000 136 000 65,000
25 to 84 trips total 5,648,000 15,714,000 4,989,000 1,078,000
  Change (2003/2013), %
Age group 2003 to 2013 2003 to 2013 2003 to 2013 2003 to 2013
25 to 34 98 -6 231 -49
35 to 44 105 -37 132 -33
45 to 54 32 -16 135 -50
55 to 64 -5 -14 62 -36
65 to 74 -3 -34 36 -26
75 to 84 -37 -48 -41 -75
25 to 84 total 33 -23 92 -44

Source: Finnish Travel, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mervi Härkönen 09 1734 3254 (9.6.2014 -> 029 551 3254), Taru Tamminen 09 1734 2243 (9.6.2014 -> 029 551 2243),

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

Updated 10.4.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish Travel [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9027. 2013, 9. Travelling has changed a lot in ten years . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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