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Appendix table 2. Leisure trips abroad (overnight in destination country) by most popular destinations in 2013

Destination Duration of trip Total             Average duration
1-3 nights 4 or more nights
1,000 trips Nights
Trips, total 2,335 3,385 5,719 7,1
Nordic countries Total 502 365 867 4,4
Denmark .. 62 93 7,2
Norway .. 64 91 5,1
Sweden 444 233 677 3,9
Russia and Baltic countries Total 1,404 419 1,824 3,0
Estonia 1,137 292 1,428 2,9
Latvia .. .. 55 4,1
Russian Federation 230 84 314 3,0
Western and Eastern Europe Total 347 751 1,098 7,1
Austria .. .. 53 5,8
France 56 158 215 7,3
Germany 111 184 295 7,2
Hungary .. .. 64 4,9
Netherlands .. .. 64 11,1
United Kingdom 60 127 187 6,8
Southern Europe and East Mediterranean countries Total 81 1,374 1,455 10,0
Spain (without Canary Islands) .. 352 378 11,2
Canary Islands   279 279 11,8
Croatia .. 64 67 10,3
Greece   160 160 8,2
Italy .. 181 217 6,7
Portugal   70 70 9,7
Turkey .. 199 209 10,8
America Total   138 138 15,8
United States   82 82 17,9
Africa Total   71 71 13,1
Asia and Oceania Total   267 267 23,9
Thailand   130 130 23,4
Symbols: [..] Data not available or too uncertain for presentation. [  ] No observations in the survey.
The sums in the tables do not always amount to the totals shown because of rounding.

Source: Finnish Travel, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mervi Härkönen 09 1734 3254 (9.6.2014 -> 029 551 3254), Taru Tamminen 09 1734 2243 (9.6.2014 -> 029 551 2243),

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

Updated 10.4.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish Travel [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9027. 2013, Appendix table 2. Leisure trips abroad (overnight in destination country) by most popular destinations in 2013 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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