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Appendix table 5. Trips abroad by reason and destination in January-April 2014* 1)

Destination Reason for trip abroad
Leisure trips Business trips
Visiting friends or relatives Holiday            Other personal reason Leisure trips, total Business trips, total
1,000 trips
Trips, total 271 1,991 143 2,405 616
Nordic countries 76 346 .. 454 215
  Denmark .. .. .. .. 51
Sweden 71 318 .. 417 153
Russia and Baltic countries 81 668 56 806 130
  Estonia .. 619 .. 681 98
Russian Federation .. .. .. 112 ..
Western and Eastern Europe 51 237 .. 319 162
  Germany .. 58 .. 82 58
United Kingdom   .. .. 50 ..
Southern Europe and East Mediterranean countries .. 456 .. 487 68
  Spain (without Canary Islands) .. 89 .. 110 ..
Spanish Canary Islands   192 .. 198  
Italy .. 59   63 ..
America .. 80 .. 105 ..
  United States .. 53 .. 73 ..
Africa .. .. .. ..  
Asia and Oceania .. 170 .. 193 ..
  Thailand   94 .. 97  
1) Includes same-day trips, cruises and trips with overnight stay in destination country.
Symbols: [..] data too uncertain for presentation, [ ] no observations in the survey, [*] preliminary data.
In some tables the sums do not amount to the totals shown because of rounding.
From 2012 onwards the figures are not fully comparable with those on earlier years due to the revised data collection method.

Source: Finnish Travel, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Taru Tamminen 09 1734 2243 (9.6.2014 => 029 551 2243), Mervi Härkönen 09 1734 3254 (9.6.2014 => 029 551 3254),

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

Updated 5.6.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish Travel [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9027. Spring (1.1.-30.4) 2014, Appendix table 5. Trips abroad by reason and destination in January-April 2014* 1) . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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