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Appendix table 2. Balance sheet of investment firms 1.1.- 31.12.2017, EUR thousands

  1.1.- 31.3.2017 1.1.- 30.6.2017 1.1.- 30.9.2017 1.1.- 31.12.2017
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 135 675 128 926 137 819 187 647
Financial assets held for trading 4 753 6 388 6 243 5 698
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 10 052 9 403 8 216 8 913
Available-for-sale financial assets 11 100 12 117 12 389 11 370
Loans and receivables 3 234 5 003 4 586 5 146
Held-to-maturity investments 1 829 1 329 .. 1) ..
Derivatives - Hedge accounting (assets) .. .. .. ..
Fair value changes of the hedge items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk (assets) .. .. .. ..
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates 14 924 15 466 23 726 23 881
Investments of investment service companies in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates .. .. .. ..
Tangible assets 6 012 5 899 5 786 5 932
Intangible assets 14 782 15 629 14 979 15 792
Other assets 108 367 138 510 160 871 162 743
Non-current assets held for sale and transferable item groups .. .. .. ..
Tax assets 4 113 4 071 4 364 4 822
TOTAL ASSETS 346 072 357 948 406 912 461 816
Financial liabilities held for trading .. .. .. ..
Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss .. .. .. ..
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 3 828 5 867 5 442 5 469
Derivatives - Hedge accounting (liabilities) .. .. .. ..
Fair value changes of the hedge items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk (liabilities) .. .. .. ..
Provisions 6 689 6 601 6 960 8 535
Tax liabilities 3 452 4 715 6 177 7 871
Share capital repayable on demand .. .. .. ..
Other Liabilities 91 424 92 578 102 411 116 095
Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale .. .. .. ..
Depreciation difference 33 31 32 30
Voluntary provisions .. .. .. ..
TOTAL LIABILITIES 145 134 134 272 155 939 175 404
Equity 30 347 29 869 30 869 30 744
Share premium 7 317 3 642 3 642 3 642
Equity instruments issued other than capital .. .. .. 3 026
Other equity 3 975 3 975 3 975 3 285
Accumulated other comprehensive income -3 166 -2 785 -3 054 -4 418
Retained earnings 111 367 136 598 157 118 188 604
Revaluation reserves .. 2 824 2 861 2 890
Other reserves 49 101 47 388 55 456 58 893
(-) Treasury shares .. .. .. ..
Profit or loss allocated to shareholders of the parent company .. .. .. ..
(-) Interim dividends .. .. -2 154 ..
Minority interests (non-controlling owners’interests) .. .. .. ..
TOTAL EQUITY 200 940 223 675 250 973 286 412
TOTAL EQUITY AND TOTAL LIABILITIES 346 074 357 947 406 912 461 816
1) Data not available or too uncertain for presentation, or subject to secrecy

Source: Investment firms, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Antti Suutari 029 551 3257, Jarkko Kaunisto 029 551 3551

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 19.4.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Investment service companies [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-5202. 4th quarter 2017, Appendix table 2. Balance sheet of investment firms 1.1.- 31.12.2017, EUR thousands . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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