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Published: 30 October 2015

Foreign direct investments to Finland grew clearly in 2014

Finland's inward FDI totalled EUR 13.0 billion on net in 2014. The heavy growth in direct investments was especially caused by business acquisitions, where significant enterprises owned by Finns were either fully or partially transferred to foreign ownership. Internal financial arrangements by multinational groups also increased Finland's inward FDI.

At the end of 2014, the value of Finland's inward FDI was EUR 77.3 billion and that of outward FDI was EUR 96.6 billion. Thus, Finland still has more assets than liabilities from direct investments, even though, as a result of a decline in assets and increase in liabilities, international direct investment assets on net halved to EUR 19.3 billion from EUR 41.0 billion in 2013.

Stocks of FDI in 2004 to 2014

Stocks of FDI in 2004 to 2014
¹) Starting from 2013, the figures are not fully comparable with those for 2004 to 2012 due to changes in the international statistical standard.

Examined by country group, investments to Finland mainly come from the EU area, whose combined share of the investment stock was 92 per cent in 2014. In 2014, the share of eurozone countries grew from 31 to 38 per cent, which was mainly caused by a heavy growth in investments from Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

In 2014, returns on inward FDI amounted in total to EUR 8.3 billion and on outward FDI to EUR 4.6 billion. This property income is recorded in the primary income item of Finland's current account and its net effect on Finland's current account was EUR +3.7 billion in 2014.

This release includes a review that examines in more detail the global development of foreign direct investments and the effect of these investment flows on Finland’s national economy in 2014.

Source: Foreign direct investments 2014, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Kristian Taskinen 029 551 2238,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

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Updated 30.10.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Foreign direct investments [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-351X. 2014. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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