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Published: 13 September 2010

Finnish enterprises' personnel in affiliates abroad centred in EU countries in 2008

Measured by the number of personnel, the activity of Finnish enterprises in affiliates abroad was concentrated in EU countries. In 2008, a total of 575,000 persons were working in Finnish affiliates abroad. One half of them were working in EU countries: nearly two fifths in old EU countries and one fifth in new EU countries. Asia and Oceania have caught up with new EU countries as one fifth of the personnel of Finnish affiliates were located there. The data were produced by Statistics Finland, and they are based on an inquiry addressed to enterprises.

Number of personnel abroad in 2008

Number of personnel abroad in 2008

In old EU countries the number of personnel was highest in affiliates of the paper industry (31,500 persons), the electrical and electronic industry (25,500 persons) and the machinery and metal products industry (25,000 persons), in all nearly 82,000 employees. In new EU countries affiliates employed most in the wholesale and retail trade (18,000 persons) and in electrical and electronic industry (17,000 persons). In Asia and Oceania the number of personnel was highest for affiliates in the electrical and electronic industry (54,000 persons). Of individual countries, the number of personnel in affiliates was largest in Sweden (74,000 persons), China (50,000 persons) and Russia (48,000 persons).

Investments by Finnish affiliates abroad into their tangible goods totalled EUR 10,885.5 million in gross. Over 60 per cent of the investments were made in affiliates located in Europe and 25 per cent in North America. In affiliates located in old EU countries investments were made most into the manufacture of basic metals (EUR 363 million), in new EU countries into business services (EUR 146 million) and the electrical and electronic industry (EUR 122 million) and in Europe outside the EU into the information and communication (EUR 1,307 million). In North America affiliates invested most into the machinery and metal products industry (EUR 2,463 million). Of individual countries investments were made most by Finnish affiliates in the United States, amounting to EUR 2,613 million.

The combined total turnover of Finnish affiliates located abroad was EUR 215,325.8 million. The figure includes intra-group trade. Nearly one half of this combined total turnover was generated by affiliates in old EU countries, nearly one fifth in new EU countries and almost one fifth in Asia and Oceania. Among industries, most turnover was produced in old EU countries in affiliates in the wholesale and retail trade (EUR 17,503 million) and paper industry (EUR 17,460 million), in new EU countries in business services (EUR 9,936 million) and in Asia and Oceania in the electrical and electronic industry (EUR 20,817 million). Examined by country, most turnover was generated by affiliates in Sweden (EUR 31,874 million), Germany (EUR 23,102 million) and Estonia (EUR 19,836 million).

In 2008, groups with affiliates located abroad employed a total of 562,000 persons in Finland and invested EUR 5,700 million into tangible assets in Finland.

Source: Finnish affiliates abroad 2008, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Mari Rantanen (09) 1734 2451

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

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Updated 13.09.2010

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish affiliates abroad [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-4882. 2008. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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