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Published: 29 May 2019

Finnish enterprises’ turnover focused on EU countries in 2017

Finnish enterprises had business activity in 5,070 affiliates located in 142 countries in 2017. The number of personnel decreased slightly from the previous year, being good 534,000 and focusing on Europe and Asia. Compared with the year before, turnover grew by six per cent, being EUR 166.3 billion. Most turnover was produced in affiliates located in Sweden. The data appear from the statistics on Finnish affiliates abroad 2017 published by Statistics Finland and are based on data collected from enterprises.

Finnish enterprises’ turnover abroad in 2017

Finnish enterprises’ turnover abroad in 2017

Finnish affiliates abroad employed the largest number of personnel in EU countries, altogether 259,890 persons. Measured by the number of employees, the most significant industries in EU countries were the machinery and metal industry with 53,100 employees and the electrical and electronics industry with good 37,990 employees. Affiliates in Asia and Oceania were the second most significant employer of personnel with 137,220 employees. In Asia and Oceania, the biggest employers among manufacturing industries were the electrical and electronics industry with close on 57,790 persons and the machinery and metal industry with nearly 45,230 persons. Sweden was the most significant employer country of Finnish affiliates abroad with 66,350 employees.

Finnish affiliates abroad invested nearly EUR 4.2 billion into their tangible goods. As much as 71 per cent of the investments were made in Europe and 16 per cent in Asia and Oceania. The manufacturing industry was globally the most significant investment target for Finnish enterprises abroad, amounting to close on EUR 2.4 billion. In EU countries, most was invested in manufacturing affiliates, good EUR 1.3 billion, and in enterprises of real estate, renting and research services and business activities, good EUR 416 million. Affiliates of the electrical and electronics industry invested most in Asia and Oceania, good EUR 176 million, and in North America, good EUR 121 million. Of individual countries, most was invested in Sweden, over EUR 827 million.

The combined total turnover of Finnish affiliates located abroad amounted to EUR 166.3 billion. The figure describes unconsolidated turnover, in other words, it includes, for instance, intra-group trade. Over one-half of the turnover was generated in EU countries and 16 per cent in Asia and Oceania. In affiliates located in EU countries, the largest amounts of turnover were generated in wholesale and retail trade, nearly EUR 20.4 billion, and in the machinery and metal industry, close on EUR 12.9 billion. In Asia and Oceania, the electronics and electrical industry with good EUR 9.7 billion was the most significant industry measured by turnover. Globally, the manufacturing industry generated most turnover for Finnish enterprises, good EUR 100 billion, and wholesale and retail trade, close on EUR 35 billion. Examined by country, most turnover was accumulated in Sweden, some EUR 35.5 billion.

Source: Finnish affiliates abroad 2017, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Anna-Maija Laakko 029 551 3640,

Director in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko

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Updated 29.5.2019

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish affiliates abroad [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-4882. 2017. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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