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Published: 7 November 2012

Two-thirds of Finns are online shoppers

Internet use is slowly becoming more general in Finland. In 2012, the share of Internet users in the population aged 16 to 74 grew by just one percentage point to 90 per cent. The number of online shoppers is growing. Two-thirds of Finnish residents bought or ordered something via the web during the past year. One half of Finnish residents followed some social network service on the Internet. This appears from the survey on the Use of information and communications technology in spring 2012.

Prevalence of Internet usage and certain purposes of use in 2012

  Used the Internet in the past 3 months Uses the Internet usually several times a day Used Internet banking in the past 3 months Bought over the Internet in the past 3 months Followed some social network service in the past 3 months Used the Internet with a laptop outside home and workplace in the past 3 months Used the Internet with a mobile phone in the past 3 months Has a smartphone in own use
  Percentage of population aged 16–74 years
Aged 16-24 100 80 75 54 86 51 51 64
Aged 25-34 100 88 98 67 80 48 48 69
Aged 35-44 98 74 96 61 58 47 47 66
Aged 45-54 96 68 92 54 39 38 38 50
Aged 55-64 82 44 74 31 22 24 24 30
Aged 65-74 61 26 51 13 10 11 11 15
Men 90 66 81 46 44 42 42 54
Women 90 61 83 53 53 32 32 45
Total 90 64 82 49 49 37 37 49

Internet use is becoming more widespread only among those aged 65 to 74, the oldest age group in the survey. The share of Internet users among them rose by eight percentage points to 61 per cent in 2012. The share of Internet users among the whole population aged 16 to 74 went up by one percentage point to 90 per cent. Nearly everyone in the age groups of those aged 45 or under used the Internet.

Finnish residents use the Internet more and more often. Seventy-eight per cent of those aged 16 to 74 used the Internet daily in 2012. Sixty-three per cent were on the web several times a day. Both shares rose from the year before. Young people and young adults are the keenest users of the Internet. Eighty-eight per cent of those aged 25 to 34 used the web several times a day.

Finland is among the top European countries in Internet use. Internet use is more widespread than in Finland only in other Nordic countries, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. In 2011 Internet use was most common in Iceland, where it was used by 95 per cent of the population.

Internet use with a laptop and mobile phone is growing and becoming more regular. In 2012, nearly one-third of Finnish residents aged 16 to 74 and nearly one half of those aged 45 or under used the Internet with a mobile phone at least once a week elsewhere than at home or work. One year earlier, the share was 22 per cent. Internet use weekly with a laptop outside home and work nearly doubled to 16 per cent in 2012.

The number of online shoppers is growing rapidly. During the year, as many as 65 per cent bought something via the web. The share of those having bought something from the web during the past three months rose by four percentage points to 47 per cent over the year. Clearly more young people than older age groups had made purchases online. Two-thirds of those aged 25 to 34 had bought something over the Internet during the past three months. The corresponding share for those aged 65 to 74 was just good one-tenth.

Tourism services, tickets and admission tickets to cultural events are most often purchased online. Clothes and shoes are the most common goods bought. Social network services (Facebook, etc.) are popular in Finland. In spring 2012, one half of Finnish residents aged 16 to 74 followed at least one social network service to which they were registered members. Social network services reached their current popularity very quickly and their popularity is still growing. The share of those following social network services rose in 2012 by four percentage points from the previous year. Women are more interested in social network services than men. In 2012, 53 per cent of women had followed some social network service over the past three months. The share for men was 44 per cent. Participation in social network services is closely tied to age.

Source: Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Rauli Kohvakka 09 1734 3448, Perttu Melkas 09 1734 2511,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 7.11.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Use of information and communications technology by individuals [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-8710. 2012. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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