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Published: 10 February 2009

Industrial structure of enterprises in 2007 according to TOL 2008 classification

A revised standard industrial classification, TOL 2008, was introduced as of the beginning of 2009. These are the first statistics published from the Business Register by the new classification. Respective statistical data concerning 2007 were published by the TOL 2002 classification on 28 November 2008.

The new classification has 21 sections instead of the previous 17. The contents of some of the sections have remained quite unchanged although some activities have been moved from one section to another. Two sections have been divided into more than one new sections, two sections have been formed by combining parts of old sections and two old sections have been merged into one new section.

Number of enterprises by industry

Industry A, Agriculture, forestry and fishing, had the largest number of enterprises, which accounted for 18 per cent of all enterprises. Sections G, Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles, and F, Construction, had the next largest numbers of enterprises. Their respective shares of all enterprises were 15 and 12.5 per cent. Professional, scientific and technical activities (section M) had 9.8 per cent, Manufacturing 7.5 per cent, and Transportation and storage 7.3 per cent of all enterprises.

The shares of Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Trade and Construction were almost the same as by the TOL 2002 classification, meaning that no major changes have taken place in these sections in the changeover to the revised classification. The share of Manufacturing has fallen from 8.2 to 7.5 per cent, as Publishing and Recycling have been moved to other sections. The share of Transportation and storage has diminished by 0.5 percentage points, as Telecommunications has been moved to section J, Information and communication. In the statistics compiled by the TOL 2002 classification, section K, Real estate, renting and business activities, contained the largest number, or 18.7 per cent, of enterprises. In the revised classification this section is divided between the sections of L, Real estate activities, M, Professional, scientific and technical activities and N, Administrative and support service activities, which together had 17.9 per cent of all enterprises. No major changes have taken place in the contents of the industries of Accommodation and food service activities and Human health and social work activities in the introduction of the revised classification and consequently their shares are the same as in the statistics compiled by the old classification.

Personnel by industry

As in the statistics compiled by TOL 2002, Manufacturing and Trade were the largest industries when measured with number of personnel. Their respective shares of the personnel of all enterprises were 26 and 16.8 per cent. Construction had the third largest share of approximately 10 per cent of all personnel. The share of Transportation and storage of all personnel was 9.2 per cent, which was good one percentage point smaller than in the statistics by the old classification. The old section K, Real estate, renting and business activities, employed 16.2 per cent of all personnel. Of the "parts" of this class, new section L, Real estate activities, employed 1.2 per cent, section M, Professional, scientific and technical activities, 5.7 per cent and section N, Administrative and support service activities, 6.8 per cent, in other words accounted together for 13.7 per cent of the personnel employed by all enterprises.

Turnover by industry

Manufacturing and Trade were clearly the largest industries even when measured with shares of turnover. Manufacturing generated 39 per cent and Trade 31.5 per cent of the total turnover of enterprises. The share of Trade was the same and that of Manufacturing good one percentage point lower than in the statistics compiled by TOL 2002. The shares of other industries were under ten per cent; Construction had the largest share of 6.6 per cent, followed by Transportation and storage with its 5.5 per cent. The share of Construction was slightly smaller and that of Transportation and storage just short of two percentage points larger in the statistics compiled by the old classification. The latter is explained by the move of Telecommunications to section J. Among the new section, the share of turnover was in fact largest in section J, Information and communication.

Information about this revision and its introduction can be accessed by clicking the TOL 2008 link on the adjacent menu. Transition tables between the new and old classification can be found under the Tables link.

Enterprises by industry 2007

  Industry 2008 Enterprises % Personnel % Turnover
EUR 1,000
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 56,102 18.2 68,081 4.6 1,246,865 0.3
B Mining and quarrying 987 0.3 4,241 0.3 1,370,769 0.4
C Manufacturing 23,220 7.5 385,655 26.0 145,912,336 39.0
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 668 0.2 10,812 0.7 9,088,142 2.4
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 1,110 0.4 5,580 0.4 2,043,495 0.5
F Construction 38,767 12.5 147,234 9.9 24,605,891 6.6
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 46,618 15.1 249,601 16.8 118,051,886 31.5
H Transportation and storage 22,535 7.3 135,783 9.2 20,426,982 5.5
I Accommodation and food service activities 10,714 3.5 54,187 3.7 5,217,972 1.4
J Information and communication 7,908 2.6 81,171 5.5 15,411,338 4.1
K Financial and insurance activities 4,280 1.4 44,701 3.0 - -
L Real estate activities 13,240 4.3 17,808 1.2 4,610,355 1.2
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 30,192 9.8 84,772 5.7 11,067,149 3.0
N Administrative and support service activities 11,698 3.8 100,794 6.8 7,536,176 2.0
O Public administration and defence, compulsory social security 32 0.0 2,806 0.2 - -
P Education 2,433 0.8 10,179 0.7 481,800 0.1
Q Human health and social work activities 16,531 5.4 42,961 2.9 3,055,414 0.8
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 5,131 1.7 11,606 0.8 3,161,567 0.8
S Other service activities 16,717 5.4 23,874 1.6 1,293,543 0.3
X Industry unknown 34 0.0 22 0.0 676 0.0
  Total 308,917 100.0 1,481,868 100.0 374,582,356* 100.0

*) The deviation of approximately EUR 6 million from the total turnover of all enterprises in the statistics by the TOL 2002 classification is due to differences between the classifications in the defining of enterprises with no turnover.

Source: Business Register. Finnish enterprises 2007. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Ms Tarja Jämsen, +358 9 1734 3344,

Director in charge: Ms Hannele Orjala


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Last updated 10.2.2009

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish enterprises [e-publication].
TOL 2008 2007. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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