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Published: 25 November 2011

Number of enterprises and personnel fell but turnover grew in 2010

According to the Business Register of Statistics Finland, 318,951 enterprises operated in Finland in 2010. Their personnel totalled 1,444,000 and their turnover amounted to EUR 358.9 billion. The number of enterprises was 1,700 lower and the number of their personnel 3,400 lower than in the year before. Their turnover grew by seven per cent, or by EUR 22.7 billion.

Development of the number of enterprises, personnel and turnover 2000 - 2010 (2000=100)

Development of the number of enterprises, personnel and turnover 2000 - 2010 (2000=100)

In trade, the decrease in the number of enterprises was the biggest. There were 974 enterprises less than in the previous year. The number of manufacturing enterprises fell by 694 and that of enterprises in real estate activities by 614. By contrast, the number of enterprises went up by 425 in human health and social work activities. Enterprises increased by 277 in other service activities and by 252 in professional, scientific and technical activities.

The decrease of personnel continued in manufacturing and amounted to 16,000 persons (five per cent). Personnel also decreased further by 2,700 persons (two per cent), in transportation and warehousing. Two per cent reductions in personnel were also seen in information and communication activities and in financial intermediation and insurance activities. In both absolute and relative terms, personnel increased most in human health and social work activities. The increase amounted to nine per cent, or 4,400 persons. Personnel increased by 3,600 persons (four per cent), in administrative and support service activities. In construction, personnel decreased by 8,570 persons in 2009 but increased by 3,000 in 2010.

Turnover grew in all economic activities apart from construction. In manufacturing, turnover went up by EUR 8.5 billion (seven per cent), and the EUR 7.3 billion growth of turnover achieved in trade also equalled seven per cent. The strongest relative growth was seen in mining and quarrying where turnover went up by 26 per cent. In energy production (activity of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply) the growth percentage was 20.

Of all enterprises, 99.1 per cent were small enterprises, that is, employing under 50 persons. They employed 48 per cent of all personnel and accounted for 35 per cent of total turnover. The share of medium-size enterprises employing 50 to 249 persons was 0.7 per cent. They employed 16 per cent of all personnel and accounted for 16 per cent of total turnover. Large enterprises employing over 250 persons made up 0.2 per cent of all enterprises. They employed over 36 per cent of all personnel and generated 49 per cent of total turnover. Personnel increased by one per cent or so in small enterprises, but decreased by two per cent in medium-size enterprises and by one per cent in large enterprises. Turnover grew by seven per cent in small enterprises, four per cent in medium-size enterprises and good seven per cent in large enterprises.

Around three per cent of the enterprises belonged to an enterprise group. These enterprises accounted for 52 per cent of the labour force and 73 per cent of the turnover of all enterprises. These shares have been almost the same in previous years as well. According to the Business Register, the total number of enterprise groups was 6,608. Among them, 1,634 were fully Finnish-owned. The enterprise groups provided jobs for 750,000 persons in Finland.

Source: Business Register, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Tarja Jämsen (09) 1734 3344,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala


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Updated 25.11.2011

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish enterprises [e-publication].
2010. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 10.3.2025].
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