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Published: 26 November 2012

Turnover in enterprises grew by seven per cent in 2011 from the year before

According to the Business Register of Statistics Finland, 322,232 enterprises operated in Finland in 2011. These enterprises employed 1,486,000 persons as wage or salary earners or entrepreneurs and generated EUR 385.2 billion in turnover. There were one per cent, or 3,300 more enterprises, and three per cent more employees, that is 42,100 persons, than in the previous year. Turnover grew by seven per cent, as was also the case in the year before, and the increase amounted to EUR 26.3 billion.

Number of enterprises, personnel and turnover in 2007-2011

Year Enterprises Personnel Turnover EUR billion
2007 308,917 1,481,868 374.6
2008 320,952 1,502,213 396.6
2009 320,682 1,447,403 336.2
2010 318,951 1,444,031 358.9
2011 322,232 1,486,137 385.2

There were 21,700 manufacturing enterprises and their number decreased by about 100 enterprises from last year. Manufacturing employed 331,000 people. The number of personnel increased by 700 persons. Turnover in manufacturing grew by seven per cent to EUR 132 billion. Construction had a positive year. The number of enterprises grew by 550 and totalled 41,400. The number of personnel was 155,000 and it increased by 8,800 persons, or six per cent from the year before. In construction, turnover amounted the EUR 26.4 billion. Turnover increased by nine per cent or EUR 2.3 billion Among industries included in secondary production, mining and quarrying showed the highest growth with a personnel increase of 10 per cent and turnover rise of 16 per cent

Of all industries, most enterprises were found in trade, 45,200 in total. The amount went down by some two hundred from the previous year. Personnel totalled 254,300 and growth from the year before was 3,600 persons. Turnover in trade went up by eight per cent, that is by EUR 8.7 billion to EUR 124.5 billion. In the service sector, professional, scientific and technical activities was the second largest measured by the number of enterprises. This industry had 33,100 enterprises, 95,000 employees, and a turnover of EUR 12.9 billion. The number of enterprises grew by two per cent, the personnel number by seven per cent, and turnover by 13 per cent. Measured by the number of personnel, transport and storage, as well as administrative and support service activities, were larger than the industry discussed above. The former had a personnel of 130,700 and the latter of 118,500. The personnel of administrative and support service activities increased by 14 per cent and its turnover grew by 12 per cent on the previous year. Human health and social work activities, that has grown considerably in recent years, had a personnel increase of seven per cent and turnover growth of twelve per cent.

Small or medium-size enterprises, i.e. enterprises with a personnel of under 250 people, represented 99.8 per cent of all enterprises. They employed 65 per cent of all personnel and accounted for 51 per cent of total turnover. There has been no noteworthy change in these shares in recent years. The number of medium-size enterprises that employ 50-249 people, as well as their number of personnel, grew more than average. The amount of such enterprises increased by seven per cent and their number of personnel rose by six per cent, while the corresponding figures for SMEs were one per cent and 3.5 per cent, and for all enterprises one and three per cent. Large enterprises that employ over 250 people represented 0.2 per cent of all enterprises and they employed 35 per cent of all personnel, and accounted for 49 per cent of total turnover.

According to the Business Register, there were 7,138 enterprise groups of which 1,706 were fully Finnish-owned, 4,740 were foreign-owned multinationals and 692 were Finnish-owned multinationals. Enterprise groups employed 773,000 people in Finland. Good three per cent of the enterprises belonged to a group. They employed 52 per cent of all personnel and accounted for 74 per cent of total turnover in Finland.

Source: Business Register, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Tarja Jämsen 09 1734 3344,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala


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Updated 26.11.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish enterprises [e-publication].
2011. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 10.3.2025].
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