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Appendix table 1. Energy use in manufacturing by energy source 2011

Source of energy TJ GWh Confidence interval, ± %
Refinery gas 28 960,8 8 044,7 0,0
LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) 10 609,8 2 947,2 7,2
Other petroleum products 4 924,1 1 367,8 0,0
Light fuel oil and Gasoil 7 228,9 2 008,0 25,5
Heavy fuel oils 22 438,7 6 233,0 4,0
Petroleum coke 6 142,5 1 706,3 0,0
Recycled and waste oils 575,1 159,8 0,0
Hard coal, bituminous 4 487,8 1 246,6 0,0
Other coal . . .
Coke 1) 22 852,5 6 347,9 0,0
Blast furnace gas and Coke oven gas 20 613,3 5 725,9 0,0
Natural gas 51 802,3 14 389,5 1,4
Milled peat 12 626,7 3 507,4 0,0
Sod peat and Peat pellets and briquettes 345,9 96,1 0,0
Forest chippings and other firewood 5 658,2 1 571,7 0,2
Bark 18 514,9 5 143,0 5,2
Sawdust, cutter shavings etc. 4 141,7 1 150,5 26,4
Other industrial wood residue 4 861,2 1 350,3 4,0
Black liquor and other concentrated liquors 135 108,8 37 530,2 0,0
Other by-products from wood processing industry 4 812,2 1 336,7 0,0
Wood pellets and briquettes 109,6 30,5 0,0
Other biofuels 810,7 225,2 0,0
Biogas 92,6 25,7 7,7
Recovered fuels 2 958,2 821,7 0,0
Waste and other non-specified energy sources 340,7 94,6 0,3
Exothermic heat from industry 2 227,5 618,8 0,0
Hydrogen 1 155,8 321,0 0,0
Electricity 117 894,6 32 748,5 2,6
District heat 10 427,6 2 896,6 20,6
Heat used in production prosesses 62 344,4 17 317,9 6,9
Total 565 084,9 156 968,0 1,0
Includes industries (TOL 2008) B Mining and quarrying and C Manufacturing (including autoproducer plants). Does not include the energy use of industry D Electricity, gas and steam supply.Includes the fuel consumption of industrial establishments (including autoproducer establishments) as well as the external net purchases of electricity and heat. Summing these together gives the total energy use in the industry.
1) Includes coke intake into blast furnace and other coke consumption in industry. Energy content of coke has been subtracted by the energy content of the produced blast furnace gas.

Source: Energy use in manufacturing, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Bate Ismail 09 1734 2471,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

Updated 16.11.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Energy use in manufacturing [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7776. 2011, Appendix table 1. Energy use in manufacturing by energy source 2011 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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