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Appendix table 1. Energy use in manufacturing by energy source 2018

Source of energy TJ GWh
Refinery gas 28 150 7 819
LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) 8 719 2 422
Light fuel oil and Gasoil 3 913 1 087
Heavy fuel oils 5 753 1 598
Petroleum coke 5 020 1 395
Recycled and waste oils 237 66
Other petroleum products 6 325 1 757
Hard coal, bituminous 15 491 4 303
Coke 16 509 4 586
Blast furnace gas and Coke oven gas and CO gas 13 885 3 857
Natural gas 30 651 8 514
Milled peat 8 765 2 435
Sod peat and Peat pellets and briquettes 114 32
Forest chippings and other firewood 4 807 1 335
Bark 25 653 7 126
Sawdust, cutter shavings etc. 4 389 1 219
Other industrial wood residue 3 464 962
Black liquor and other concentrated liquors 167 034 46 398
Other by-products from wood processing industry 7 506 2 085
Wood pellets and briquettes 139 39
Biogas 269 75
Other biofuels 2 196 610
Recovered fuels 3 257 905
Waste and other non-specified energy sources 1 562 434
Hydrogen 263 73
Electricity 114 267 31 741
District heat 11 174 3 104
Heat used in production prosesses 43 964 12 212
Total 536 205 148 946

Source: Energy use in manufacturing, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Anssi Vuorio 029 551 3668,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 1.11.2019

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Energy use in manufacturing [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7776. 2018, Appendix table 1. Energy use in manufacturing by energy source 2018 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: