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Published: 10 September 2007

New orders in manufacturing grew by 7.1 per cent year-on-year in July

According to Statistics Finland, new orders in manufacturing went up by 7.1 per cent in July 2007 from July 2006. In the January to July period, new orders in manufacturing increased by 8.1 per cent year-on-year.

Change in new orders in manufacturing from corresponding month of the previous year (original series), %

Change in new orders in manufacturing from corresponding month of the previous year (original series), %

New orders went up in all the examined industries. The largest increase in new orders was recorded in the manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products where they went up by 14.8 per cent. In the chemical industry new orders increased by 7.9 per cent and in the metal industry by 4.9 per cent. These statistics typically show strong fluctuations as new orders are not examined over extended time periods but for the statistical reference month only.

Change in new orders in manufacturing 7/2006-7/2007

Change in new orders in manufacturing 7/2006-7/2007

Source: New orders in manufacturing 2007,July Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Pekka Hänninen (09) 1734 2606,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

Updated 10.9.2007

Referencing instructions:

Statistics: New orders in manufacturing [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-6737. July 2007. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: