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Published: 7 August 2009

New orders in manufacturing decreased by 34.5 per cent year-on-year in June

According to Statistics Finland, the value of new orders in manufacturing was 34.5 per cent lower in June 2009 than in June 2008. In the January to June period, new orders in manufacturing decreased by 37.8 per cent year-on-year.

Change in new orders in manufacturing from corresponding month of the previous year (original series), % (TOL 2008)

Change in new orders in manufacturing from corresponding month of the previous year (original series), % (TOL 2008)

New orders in manufacturing continued to decline in June. The value of new orders fell clearly from last year in all the examined main industries. However, the decline was slightly less steep than in the previous months. As in the months before, the decline in new orders was strongest in the metal industry, where it amounted to 41.1 per cent. In the chemical industry new orders fell by 24.7 per cent, in the manufacture of paper, and paper and board products by 16.5 per cent and in the textile industry by 13.3 per cent.

Change in new orders in manufacturing 06/2008-06/2009 (TOL 2008)

Change in new orders in manufacturing 06/2008-06/2009 (TOL 2008)

The index of new orders in manufacturing describes development in the value of new orders received by enterprises for commodities and services that are meant to be produced by establishments located in Finland. These statistics are based on non-probability sampling, in which the basic observation unit is an enterprise or a kind-of-activity unit. The sample comprises monthly approximately 400 to 430 enterprises or their kind-of-activity units. Index point figures and annual change percentages are published monthly for five industry categories. The time series start from January 2005 and their base year is 2005 (2005=100). A detailed description of the statistics and the calculation method are included in the quality description on the home page of the statistics.

Source: New orders in manufacturing 2009, June. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jukka Appelqvist (09) 1734 3391,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala

Updated 7.8.2009

Referencing instructions:

Statistics: New orders in manufacturing [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-6737. June 2009. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
Access method: