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Published: 24 September 2015

Greenhouse gas emissions grew in energy supply and transportation in 2013

Greenhouse gas emissions produced by Finnish residents in Finland and abroad amounted to nearly 68 million tonnes in 2013. The growth from the year before was 2.8 per cent. In energy supply, the use of hard coal grew by over one-third, replacing the use of peat and natural gas, as a result of which greenhouse gas emissions in the industry increased by eight per cent. In water and air transport, the growth in the amount of fuel used by Finnish residents abroad increased the industry's greenhouse gas emissions by around ten per cent. The share of energy supply in greenhouse gas emissions was biggest, 28 per cent, the share of manufacturing was 21 per cent, that of transportation and storage 17 per cent, and that of agriculture 11 per cent. Households' share of greenhouse gas emissions was nine per cent.

Greenhouse gas emissions by industry 2012 and 2013, million tonnes CO2 equivalent

Greenhouse gas emissions by industry 2012 and 2013, million tonnes CO2 equivalent

Finnish residents produced 37 million tonnes of organic carbon dioxide emissions, which was two per cent more than in the year before. The growing use of biofuels has increased the carbon dioxide emissions generated by them. Emissions grew most in volume in the forest industry, where slightly over one-half of all organic carbon dioxide emissions are generated. Growth was also strong in waste management as incineration of waste is becoming more common. Organic carbon dioxide emissions are not included in greenhouse gases.

In other types of emissions, most significant changes concerned the growth of sulphur and nitrogen dioxide emissions in water and air transport. Sulphur dioxide emissions in water transport went up from 21,500 to 24,000 tonnes, which stands for one-third of all sulphur dioxide emissions. Nitrogen dioxide emissions in water and air transport grew by 17 per cent to around 70,000 tonnes, representing one-third of all nitrogen dioxide emissions.

In addition to the above, Statistics Finland's statistics on emissions into air by industry include particulate matter emissions and emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC).

Emissions into air by industry groups 2013, tonnes

  Greenhouse gases (CO2-foss, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6) CO2-eq. Biomass carbon dioxide (CO2-bio) Sulphur dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Carbon monoxide (CO) Ammonia (NH3)
A 01, 03 Agriculture, fishing and aquaculture, hunting 7 659 406 847 782 996 9 311 20 651 33 793
A 02 Forestry 323 219 3 871 1 1 125 6 779 4
B Mining and quarrying 437 529 5927 142 2 516 1 841 0
C 10 - 12 Food industry, etc. 355 770 24 220 713 487 227 0
C 16, 17 Forest industry 3 228 489 19 576 099 5 112 1 9516 23 537 54
C 19, 20 Oil refining and manufacture of chemicals 4 564 092 113 883 8 645 5 631 1 343 320
C 24, 25 Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products 4 804 190 2 094 4 251 3 716 1 471 83
C 13 - 15, 18, 21 - 23, 26 - 33 Other industries 1 560 547 83 429 1 285 3 331 355 176
D Energy management 19 164 030 9 530 841 21 194 31 661 13 312 3
E Water supply and waste management 2 381 070 345 300 50 1 149 1 005 509
F Construction 1 497 892 38 191 125 9 707 8 732 56
G Trade 820 546 30 646 89 389 791 8
H 49 Land transport 4 745 907 29 7619 64 21 416 7 217 398
H 50 Water transport 3 318 586 15 1871 23 075 55 907 9 494 4
H 51 Air transport 3 344 457 13 542 821 13 643 5 596 20
H 52, 53 Support activities for transportation, postal activities 103 632 14 424 43 398 599 4
L Real estate activities 880 431 2 781 121 1 005 3 557 54 074 407
I - K, M - S Other service activities and administration 1 804 623 166 562 416 5 681 27 420 135
Households 6 000 306 3 202 330 1037 17 571 175 513 1 136
TOTAL 66 994 720 37 229 751 69 066 206 711 359 956 37 109

The statistics on emissions into air by industry are calculated according to the EU Regulation on environmental accounts. The industrial classification and division used in the statistics differ from the sector division used in the reporting of the greenhouse gas emissions to the UNFCCC. The statistics do not take into consideration the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by forest or other vegetation either.

Differing from the greenhouse gas inventory and greenhouse gas reporting, the statistics on emissions into air by industry also contain Finnish residents' emissions from land, water and air transport abroad. In turn, emissions by foreign citizens from transport on Finnish territory are subtracted from the emissions into air by industry. The definition of transport corresponds with the methods of national accounts in which households' transport is included in private consumption. Due to definitional differences, the total volume of greenhouse gas emissions by industry is higher than in the Greenhouse Gas Inventory reported to the UNFCCC.

The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions has changed due to the revised, internationally agreed methodological and reporting guidelines in the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (2013 to 2020). Finland's emissions level from 1990 onwards rose by one to three per cent, depending on the year.

Source: Emissions into air by industry 2013, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Juuso Peltola 029 551 2330, Jukka Muukkonen 029 551 3224,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

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Updated 24.9.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Emissions into air by industry [e-publication].
ISSN=2323-7600. 2013. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 13.3.2025].
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