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Published: 28 April 2010

Turnover in manufacturing contracted by good 9 per cent in November to January from the year before

According to Statistics Finland, turnover in manufacturing was 9.1 per cent lower in the past November to January period than in the corresponding period twelve months previously. Domestic sales contracted by 8.0 per cent and export turnover by 10.0 per cent from one year ago.

In the November to January period turnover contracted in all manufacturing industries. The declines were steepest in the metal industry (-16.7%) and in the electrical and electronic industry (-15.8%). The contractions were smallest in the forest industry (-0.5%) and in the food industry (-2.7%). The largest growths were recorded in mining and quarrying (14.3%) and in electricity, gas, steam, etc. supply (8.1%).

Annual change in turnover in selected manufacturing industries during 11/2009-01/2010, % (TOL 2008)

Teollisuuden liikevaihtokuvaaja kuvaa yrityksiä, joiden päätoimiala on teollisuus. Indeksien laskenta perustuu verohallinnon arvonlisäverotietoihin, joita täydennetään Tilastokeskuksen myyntitiedustelun aineistolla. Teollisuusyritysten kuukausittaisissa liikevaihdoissa voi olla isojakin vaihteluita etenkin metalliteollisuuden toimialoilla. Vaihtelut johtuvat pääasiassa laskutuskäytännöistä. Suurten konetoimitusten ja projektien loppulasku voi näkyä myyntinä yhdellä kuukaudella, vaikka työtä toimituksen eteen olisi tehty useita kuukausia tai vuosia.

Tax account reform causes revisions to the data of turnover indices

Starting from data on January 2010, the turnover indices will be compiled from data on the periodic tax returns allowed in the Tax Administration's tax account reform. According to our analysis the impact on these statistics from the implemented tax account reform will remain quite minor. However, slightly less data than before will be available for January 2010, which may mean that the January time series of the turnover indices become slightly revised in future releases. Further information about the impacts of the changes in the data on the turnover indices can be found under Revisions in these statistics . Information about the tax account reform is also available on the Tax Administration's website at:

Source: Index of turnover in industry, January 2010. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Ulla Virtanen +358 9 1734 3331, Kirsi-Maaria Kinnunen 358 9 1734 2681,

Director in charge: Hannele Orjala


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Last updated 28.4.2010

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Index of turnover in industry [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-596X. January 2010. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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