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Published: 30 November 2017

Number of accidents at work in Finland 127,000 in 2015

Slightly over 127,000 accidents at work occurred in Finland in 2015. Around 117,000 of these occurred to wage and salary earners and some 10,700 to self-employed persons (including farmers). The majority, or almost 107,000 of all accidents at work occurred at places of work or while in work traffic, whereas around 21,000 of them occurred while commuting. These numbers also include minor accidents at work that led to disability lasting less than four days, and on which insurance companies paid compensation only for medical treatment expenses.

Number of wage and salary earners’, self-employed persons’ and farmers’ accidents at work by severity in 2015

  Total Accidents at work Commuting accidents
Total 127 316 106 586 20 730
Less than 4 days 76 958 64 482 12 476
At least 4 days 50 307 42 069 8 238
Fatal accidents 51 35 16
Wage and salary earners 116 635 96 465 20 170
Less than 4 days 72 620 60 418 60 418
At least 4 days 43 975 36 020 7 955
Fatal accidents 40 27 13
Self-employed persons 6 372 5 812 560
Less than 4 days 3 175 2 901 274
At least 4 days 3 191 2 908 283
Fatal accidents 6 3 3
Farmers 4 309 4 309
Less than 4 days 1 163 1 163
At least 4 days 3 141 3 141
Fatal accidents 5 5
Farmers' accidents at work and commuting accidents are not separated.

The number of accidents at work increased slightly in 2015. In 2014, there were close on 127,000 accidents at work and in 2013 the respective figure was around 135,000.

Since the statistical reference year 2005, an accident at work has been defined in Statistics Finland’s statistics on occupational accidents according to the definition used in the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW) of Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. According to the definition, the statistics contain data on accidents at work which have resulted in "disability of at least four days". Most of the data in this online release are presented using this criterion. The time series have been revised retrospectively to correspond with the definition.

In 2015, a total of 51 persons died at the place of work or while commuting. Of these fatal accidents at work, 27 occurred to wage and salary earners, five to farmers and three to other self-employed persons. In addition, 16 fatal accidents took place while commuting, of which 13 occurred to wage and salary earners and three to self-employed persons. The number of fatal accidents at work rose clearly from the year before, as in 2014 a total of 45 persons died at work or while commuting.

The victims of all fatal accidents at work included 40 wage and salary earners, five farmers and six other self-employed persons.

The data for 2014 were revised at the beginning of 2017, so the comparison figures from 2014 can differ from the data in the release for 2014.

Source: Occupational accident statistics 2015, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Arto Miettinen 029 551 2963, Outi Stenbäck 029 551 2517,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

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Updated 30.11.2017

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Occupational accident statistics [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-9544. 2015. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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