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Appendix table 3. Population with a tertiary degree by principal activity in 2008

Tertiary degree Field of science Principal activity
Principal activity total In labour force Employed Unemployed Not in labour force
Tertiary degrees total Fields of science total 1 143 638 934 492 893 212 41 280 209 146
Doctorate Fields of science total 23 066 19 588 19 120 468 3 478
Natural sciences 5 124 4 255 4 101 154 869
Engineering and technology 3 476 3 108 3 061 47 368
Medical and health sciences 6 601 5 666 5 613 53 935
Agricultural sciences 873 713 688 25 160
Social sciences 4 543 3 889 3 780 109 654
Humanities 2 449 1 957 1 877 80 492
Licentiate Fields of science total 9 127 7 246 6 934 312 1 881
Natural sciences 1 803 1 361 1 289 72 442
Engineering and technology 2 394 2 028 1 962 66 366
Medical and health sciences 256 206 203 3 50
Agricultural sciences 163 125 116 9 38
Social sciences 3 039 2 456 2 373 83 583
Humanities 1 472 1 070 991 79 402
Higher-level tertiary degree Fields of science total 311 283 266 784 256 926 9 858 44 499
Natural sciences 33 839 28 597 27 136 1 461 5 242
Engineering and technology 53 107 46 626 45 230 1 396 6 481
Medical and health sciences 31 390 27 222 26 931 291 4 168
Agricultural sciences 9 020 7 261 7 001 260 1 759
Social sciences 130 108 113 608 109 775 3 833 16 500
Humanities 53 819 43 470 40 853 2 617 10 349
Other tertiary degrees Field of science undefined 800 162 640 874 610 232 30 642 159 288

Source: Human resources of science and technology 2009. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Marianne Kaplas (09) 1734 3421,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

Updated 24.3.2011

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Human resources of science and technology [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-3244. 2009, Appendix table 3. Population with a tertiary degree by principal activity in 2008 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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