- 2022
- 2021
- December
- November
- October
- September
- August
- July
- June
- May
- April
- March
- February
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.3.2021)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2021/01 TOL 2008 (10.3.2021)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (10.3.2021)
- 2020
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.2.2021)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/12 TOL 2008 (10.2.2021)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (10.2.2021)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (8.1.2021)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/11 TOL 2008 (8.1.2021)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (8.1.2021)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.12.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/10 TOL 2008 (10.12.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (10.12.2020)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.11.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/09 TOL 2008 (10.11.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (10.11.2020)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (9.10.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/08 TOL 2008 (9.10.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (9.10.2020)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.9.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/07 TOL 2008 (10.9.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (10.9.2020)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.8.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/06 TOL 2008 (10.8.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (10.8.2020)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.7.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/05 TOL 2008 (10.7.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (10.7.2020)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.6.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/04 TOL 2008 (10.6.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (10.6.2020)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (8.5.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/03 TOL 2008 (8.5.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (8.5.2020)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (9.4.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/02, TOL 2008 (9.4.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (9.4.2020)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.3.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2020/01, TOL 2008 (10.3.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2020, TOL 2008 (10.3.2020)
- 2019
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.2.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/12, TOL 2008 (10.2.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (10.2.2020)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.1.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/11, TOL 2008 (10.1.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (10.1.2020)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.12.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/10, TOL 2008 (10.12.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (10.12.2019)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (8.11.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/09, TOL 2008 (8.11.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (8.11.2019)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.10.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/08, TOL 2008 (10.10.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (10.10.2019)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.9.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/07, TOL 2008 (10.9.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (10.9.2019)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (9.8.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/06, TOL 2008 (9.8.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (9.8.2019)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.7.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/05, TOL 2008 (10.7.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (10.7.2019)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.6.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/04, TOL 2008 (10.6.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (10.6.2019)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.5.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/03, TOL 2008 (10.5.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (10.5.2019)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.4.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/02, TOL 2008 (10.4.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (10.4.2019)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (8.3.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2019/01, TOL 2008 (8.3.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (8.3.2019)
- 2018
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (8.2.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/12, TOL 2008 (8.2.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2019, TOL 2008 (8.2.2019)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.1.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/11, TOL 2008 (10.1.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (10.1.2019)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.12.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/10, TOL 2008 (10.12.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (10.12.2018)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (9.11.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/09, TOL 2008 (9.11.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (9.11.2018)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.10.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/08, TOL 2008 (10.10.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (10.10.2018)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.9.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/07, TOL 2008 (10.9.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (10.9.2018)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.8.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/06, TOL 2008 (10.8.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (10.8.2018)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.7.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/05, TOL 2008 (10.7.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (10.7.2018)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (8.6.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/04, TOL 2008 (8.6.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (8.6.2018)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (9.5.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/03, TOL 2008 (9.5.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (9.5.2018)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (10.4.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/02, TOL 2008 (10.4.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (10.4.2018)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Three months' year-on-year change in manufacturing (C) sub-industries adjusted for working days (TOL 2008) (9.3.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Trend series of manufacturing sub-industries, 2007/01 to 2018/01, TOL 2008 (9.3.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2007 to 2018, TOL 2008 (9.3.2018)
- 2017
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2016 /December 2017, TOL 2008 (9.2.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2017 /December 2017, TOL 2008 (9.2.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (9.2.2018)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2016 /November 2017, TOL 2008 (10.1.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2017 /November 2017, TOL 2008 (10.1.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.1.2018)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2016 /October 2017, TOL 2008 (8.12.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2017 /October 2017, TOL 2008 (8.12.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (8.12.2017)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2016 /September 2017, TOL 2008 (10.11.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2017 /September 2017, TOL 2008 (10.11.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.11.2017)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2016 /August 2017, TOL 2008 (10.10.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2017 /August 2017, TOL 2008 (10.10.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.10.2017)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2016 /July 2017, TOL 2008 (8.9.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2017 /July 2017, TOL 2008 (8.9.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (8.9.2017)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2016 /June 2017, TOL 2008 (10.8.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2017 /June 2017, TOL 2008 (10.8.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.8.2017)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2016 /May 2017, TOL 2008 (10.7.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2017 /May 2017, TOL 2008 (10.7.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.7.2017)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2016 /April 2017, TOL 2008 (9.6.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2017 /April 2017, TOL 2008 (9.6.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (9.6.2017)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2016 /March 2017, TOL 2008 (10.5.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2017 /March 2017, TOL 2008 (10.5.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.5.2017)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2016 /February 2017, TOL 2008 (10.4.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2017 /February 2017, TOL 2008 (10.4.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.4.2017)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2016 /January 2017, TOL 2008 (10.3.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2016 /January 2017, TOL 2008 (10.3.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2017, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.3.2017)
- 2016
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2015 /December 2016, TOL 2008 (10.2.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2016 /December 2016, TOL 2008 (10.2.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.2.2017)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2015 /November 2016, TOL 2008 (10.1.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2016 /November 2016, TOL 2008 (10.1.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.1.2017)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2015 /October 2016, TOL 2008 (9.12.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2016 /October 2016, TOL 2008 (9.12.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (9.12.2016)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2015 /September 2016, TOL 2008 (10.11.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2016 /September 2016, TOL 2008 (10.11.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.11.2016)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2015 /August 2016, TOL 2008 (10.10.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2016 /August 2016, TOL 2008 (10.10.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.10.2016)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2015 /July 2016, TOL 2008 (9.9.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2016 /July 2016, TOL 2008 (9.9.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (9.9.2016)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2015 /June 2016, TOL 2008 (10.8.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2016 /June 2016, TOL 2008 (10.8.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.8.2016)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2015 /May 2016, TOL 2008 (8.7.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2016 /May 2016, TOL 2008 (8.7.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (8.7.2016)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2015 /April 2016, TOL 2008 (10.6.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2016 /April 2016, TOL 2008 (10.6.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.6.2016)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2015 /March 2016, TOL 2008 (10.5.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2016 /March 2016, TOL 2008 (10.5.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.5.2016)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2015 /February 2016, TOL 2008 (8.4.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2016 /February 2016, TOL 2008 (8.4.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (8.4.2016)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2015 /January 2016, TOL 2008 (10.3.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2015 /January 2016, TOL 2008 (10.3.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2016, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.3.2016)
- 2015
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2014 /December 2015, TOL 2008 (10.2.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2015 /December 2015, TOL 2008 (10.2.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.2.2016)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2014 /November 2015, TOL 2008 (8.1.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2015 /November 2015, TOL 2008 (8.1.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (8.1.2016)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2014 /October 2015, TOL 2008 (10.12.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2015 /October 2015, TOL 2008 (10.12.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.12.2015)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2014 /September 2015, TOL 2008 (10.11.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2015 /September 2015, TOL 2008 (10.11.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.11.2015)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2014 /August 2015, TOL 2008 (9.10.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2015 /August 2015, TOL 2008 (9.10.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (9.10.2015)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2014 /July 2015, TOL 2008 (10.9.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2015 /July 2015, TOL 2008 (10.9.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.9.2015)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2014 /June 2015, TOL 2008 (10.8.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2015 /June 2015, TOL 2008 (10.8.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.8.2015)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2014 /May 2015, TOL 2008 (10.7.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2015 /May 2015, TOL 2008 (10.7.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.7.2015)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2014 /April 2015, TOL 2008 (10.6.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2015 /April 2015, TOL 2008 (10.6.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.6.2015)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2014 /March 2015, TOL 2008 (8.5.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2015 /March 2015, TOL 2008 (8.5.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (8.5.2015)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2014 /February 2015, TOL 2008 (10.4.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2015 /February 2015, TOL 2008 (10.4.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2005 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.4.2015)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2014 /January 2015, TOL 2008 (10.3.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2014 /January 2015, TOL 2008 (10.3.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2015, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.3.2015)
- 2014
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2013 /December 2014, TOL 2008 (10.2.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2014 /December 2014, TOL 2008 (10.2.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.2.2015)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2013 /November 2014, TOL 2008 (9.1.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2014 /November 2014, TOL 2008 (9.1.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (9.1.2015)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2013 /October 2014, TOL 2008 (10.12.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2014 /October 2014, TOL 2008 (10.12.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.12.2014)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2013 /September 2014, TOL 2008 (10.11.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2014 /September 2014, TOL 2008 (10.11.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.11.2014)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2013 /August 2014, TOL 2008 (10.10.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2014 /August 2014, TOL 2008 (10.10.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.10.2014)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2013 /July 2014, TOL 2008 (10.9.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2014 /July 2014, TOL 2008 (10.9.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.9.2014)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2013 /June 2014, TOL 2008 (8.8.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2014 /June 2014, TOL 2008 (8.8.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (8.8.2014)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2013 /May 2014, TOL 2008 (10.7.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2014 /May 2014, TOL 2008 (10.7.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.7.2014)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2013 /April 2014, TOL 2008 (10.6.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2014 /April 2014, TOL 2008 (10.6.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.6.2014)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2013 /March 2014, TOL 2008 (9.5.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2014 /March 2014, TOL 2008 (9.5.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (9.5.2014)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2013 /February 2014, TOL 2008 (10.4.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2014 /February 2014, TOL 2008 (10.4.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.4.2014)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2013 /January 2014, TOL 2008 (10.3.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2013 /January 2014, TOL 2008 (10.3.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2014, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.3.2014)
- 2013
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2012 /December 2013, TOL 2008 (10.2.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2013 /December 2013, TOL 2008 (10.2.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.2.2014)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2012 /November 2013, TOL 2008 (10.1.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2013 /November 2013, TOL 2008 (10.1.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.1.2014)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2012 /October 2013, TOL 2008 (10.12.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2013 /October 2013, TOL 2008 (10.12.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Seasonally adjusted industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.12.2013)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2012 /September 2013, TOL 2008 (8.11.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2013 /September 2013, TOL 2008 (8.11.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden and France (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (8.11.2013)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2012 /August 2013, TOL 2008 (10.10.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2013 /August 2013, TOL 2008 (10.10.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden and France (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.10.2013)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2012 /July 2013, TOL 2008 (10.9.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2013 /July 2013, TOL 2008 (10.9.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden and France (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.9.2013)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2012 /June 2013, TOL 2008 (9.8.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2013 /June 2013, TOL 2008 (9.8.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden and France (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (9.8.2013)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2012 /May 2013, TOL 2008 (10.7.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2013 /May 2013, TOL 2008 (10.7.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden and France (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.7.2013)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2012 /April 2013, TOL 2008 (10.6.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2013 /April 2013, TOL 2008 (10.6.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden and France (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.6.2013)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2012 /March 2013, TOL 2008 (10.5.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2013 /March 2013, TOL 2008 (10.5.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden and France (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.5.2013)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2012 /February 2013, TOL 2008 (10.4.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2013 /February 2013, TOL 2008 (10.4.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden and France (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (10.4.2013)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2012 /January 2013, TOL 2008 (8.3.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2012 /January 2013, TOL 2008 (8.3.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden and France (BCD) 2000 - 2013, 2010=100, TOL 2008 (8.3.2013)
- 2012
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2011 /December 2012, TOL 2008 (8.2.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2012 /December 2012, TOL 2008 (8.2.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (8.2.2013)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2011 /November 2012, TOL 2008 (10.1.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2012 /November 2012, TOL 2008 (10.1.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.1.2013)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2011 /October 2012, TOL 2008 (10.12.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2012 /October 2012, TOL 2008 (10.12.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.12.2012)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2011 /September 2012, TOL 2008 (9.11.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2012 /September 2012, TOL 2008 (9.11.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (9.11.2012)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2011 /August 2012, TOL 2008 (10.10.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2012 /August 2012, TOL 2008 (10.10.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.10.2012)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2011 /July 2012, TOL 2008 (10.9.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2012 /July 2012, TOL 2008 (10.9.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.9.2012)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2011 /June 2012, TOL 2008 (10.8.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2012 /June 2012, TOL 2008 (10.8.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.8.2012)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2011 /May 2012, TOL 2008 (10.7.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2012 /May 2012, TOL 2008 (10.7.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.7.2012)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2011 /April 2012, TOL 2008 (8.6.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2012 /April 2012, TOL 2008 (8.6.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (8.6.2012)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2011 /March 2012, TOL 2008 (10.5.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2012 /March 2012, TOL 2008 (10.5.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.5.2012)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2011 /February 2012, TOL 2008 (10.4.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2012 /February 2012, TOL 2008 (10.4.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.4.2012)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2011 /January 2012, TOL 2008 (9.3.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2011 /January 2012, TOL 2008 (9.3.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2012, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (9.3.2012)
- 2011
- January to April correction release
- Appendix figure 1a. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2010 / January 2011, TOL 2008 (28.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 1b. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2010 / February 2011, TOL 2008 (28.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 1c. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2010 / March 2011, TOL 2008 (28.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 1d. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2010 / April 2011, TOL 2008 (28.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 2a. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2010 / January 2011, TOL 2008 (28.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 2b. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2011 / February 2011, TOL 2008 (28.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 2c. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2011 / March 2011, TOL 2008 (28.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 2d. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2011 / April 2011, TOL 2008 (28.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (28.6.2011)
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2010 /December 2011, TOL 2008 (10.2.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2011 /December 2011, TOL 2008 (10.2.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.2.2012)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2010 /November 2011, TOL 2008 (10.1.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2011 /November 2011, TOL 2008 (10.1.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.1.2012)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2010 /October 2011, TOL 2008 (9.12.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2011 /October 2011, TOL 2008 (9.12.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (9.12.2011)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2010 /September 2011, TOL 2008 (10.11.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2011 /September 2011, TOL 2008 (10.11.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.11.2011)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2010 /August 2011, TOL 2008 (10.10.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2011 /August 2011, TOL 2008 (10.10.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.10.2011)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2010 /July 2011, TOL 2008 (9.9.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2011 /July 2011, TOL 2008 (9.9.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (9.9.2011)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2010 /June 2011, TOL 2008 (10.8.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2011 /June 2011, TOL 2008 (10.8.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.8.2011)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2010 /May 2011, TOL 2008 (8.7.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2011 /May 2011, TOL 2008 (8.7.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (8.7.2011)
- April
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2010 /April 2011, TOL 2008 (10.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2011 /April 2011, TOL 2008 (10.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.6.2011)
- March
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2010 /March 2011, TOL 2008 (10.5.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2011 /March 2010, TOL 2008 (10.5.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.5.2011)
- February
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2010 /February 2011, TOL 2008 (8.4.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2011 /February 2010, TOL 2008 (8.4.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (8.4.2011)
- January
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2010 /January 2011, TOL 2008 (10.3.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2010 /January 2010, TOL 2008 (10.3.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2011, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.3.2011)
- 2010
- December
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2009 /December 2010, TOL 2008 (10.2.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2010 /December 2010, TOL 2008 (10.2.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.2.2011)
- November
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output November 2009 /November 2010, TOL 2008 (10.1.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2010 /November 2010, TOL 2008 (10.1.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.1.2011)
- October
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output October 2009 /October 2010, TOL 2008 (10.12.2010)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2010 /October 2010, TOL 2008 (10.12.2010)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.12.2010)
- September
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output September 2009 / September 2010, TOL 2008 (10.11.2010)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2010 /September 2010, TOL 2008 (10.11.2010)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.11.2010)
- August
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output August 2009 / August 2010, TOL 2008 (8.10.2010)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2010 /August 2010, TOL 2008 (8.10.2010)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (8.10.2010)
- July
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output July 2009 /July 2010, TOL 2008 (10.9.2010)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2010 /July 2010, TOL 2008 (10.9.2010)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.9.2010)
- June
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output June 2009 /June 2010, TOL 2008 (10.8.2010)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2010 /June 2010, TOL 2008 (10.8.2010)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.8.2010)
- May
- Appendix figure 1. Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output May 2009 /May 2010, TOL 2008 (9.7.2010)
- Appendix figure 2. Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2010 /May 2010, TOL 2008 (9.7.2010)
- Appendix figure 3. Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (9.7.2010)
- April
- Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output April 2009 /April 2010, TOL 2008 (10.6.2010)
- Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2010 /April 2010, TOL 2008 (10.6.2010)
- Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.6.2010)
- March
- Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output March 2009 / March 2010, TOL 2008 (10.5.2010)
- Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output February 2010 / March 2010, TOL 2008 (10.5.2010)
- Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.5.2010)
- February
- Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output Februay 2009 / February 2010, TOL 2008 (9.4.2010)
- Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2010 / February 2010, TOL 2008 (9.4.2010)
- Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2010, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (9.4.2010)
- January
- Working day adjusted change percentage of industrial output January 2009 / January 2010, TOL 2008 (10.3.2010)
- Seasonally adjusted change percentage of industrial output December 2009 / January 2010, TOL 2008 (10.3.2010)
- Trend of industrial output Finland, Germany, Sweden, France and United Kingdom (BCD) 2000 - 2009, 2005=100, TOL 2008 (10.3.2010)
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
Volume index of industrial output [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9272. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 9.3.2025].
Access method: